Appropriate Clothing and Quality Clothing Units 11.01/ 11.02
Pride- social heritage Clique Personality Personal Statement Who you are Values Pride- social heritage Clique Personality You are judged by what you wear
Social Aspect Dress code**: require you to follow specific clothing guidelines (school/job) Military Membership (uniforms) Peer pressure -Individuality- unique way of expressing self -Conform- go along with current customs Relationships -Dress one way with friends, another with grandparents -Don’t argue with your parents about clothing
Dressing the Part Interviews- neat and conservative Formal (prom)- dressy**, tuxedo, suit, dresses, gowns Funeral- black or dark color Religious services- tasteful, respectful (ask)** Health- cold weather/sun/medical reasons Safety- construction, fireman, sports
Garment industry Designers Media Fashion Influence Garment industry Designers Media
Fashion Terminology Fashion: what is popular right now** Fad: ** short lived fashion, such as bell- bottom pants Classic** - stays in fashion for a long time; such as a polo shirt Trendsetters** - people who start a fad
Plant -cotton** -Linen Animal -wool (sheep) -silk (worm)** Natural Fibers Plant -cotton** -Linen Animal -wool (sheep) -silk (worm)**
Rayon- 1st man-made fiber Nylon**- lightweight, waterproof Man-made Fibers Rayon- 1st man-made fiber Nylon**- lightweight, waterproof Polyester- blended with others
Durability of clothing Quality of construction** Quality of fabric**
Fit- try it on** -stretch, bend, sit** Function and Style Fit- try it on** -stretch, bend, sit**