Unit 4: Family and Friends Contrastive Structure Listing and Ordering The Age Spot
Age-related signs
Contrastive Structure To compare in order to show differences
Contrastive Structure To use indexing and shoulder shifting to compare or contrast characteristics about people, places, or things. Usually used to compare 2 people, places, or things. Used as AND in ASL. Pointing to a person, place, or thing in space. (Pronouns in ASL) Slightly moving your shoulders from one side to another to show contrast. -Slightly moving your head and shoulders
Contrastive Structure Example Referent 1 = Referent 2 =
Contrastive Structure Example Referent 1= Referent 2= Referent 3=
Contrastive Structure Practice I have 1 sister and two brothers. She has 2 brothers named Jason and Jeff. My family has 4 dogs, 3 cats, and 2 fish.
Contrastive Structure Practice: Sign the sentence below and add 2 details about each referent. He sees one man and two women. I have two cousins, Sean and Laura. I need hot and cold water. I have two children, one boy and one girl. I have one brother and two sisters.
Classroom Exercise G His grandmother is deceased and his grandfather is alive. My uncle is watching TV and my aunt is sleeping My parents are divorced. My father lives in New York and my mother lives in California. My mother is Deaf, my father is hearing, and my two brothers are deaf. She has one dog, two cats, and two older sisters.
Listing and Ordering A visual list of information Provides details about 3 or more people, places, or things. The non-dominant hand makes the list The dominant hand references (points) to each person, place, or thing Example: http://www.handspeak.com/learn/l/listing/list-degrees.mp4
Listing or Ordering? List Order Making a general list of people, places, or things. Examples: Her best friends are Morgan, Jalen, Adam, and Domonique. My three favorite cities are Atlanta, Houston, and Salt Lake City. Today you will need a pencil, paper, and your book for class. Ranking people, places, or things by age, preference, or order. Examples: My parents have 3 children, Yahaira, Ashton, and Justin. My oldest sister is funny. My middle sister likes to ski. My youngest sister doesn’t like school. This semester I have Lit., Math, Art, and PE.
Listing and Ordering Practice
The Age Spot https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R7lxeMiHzp4 (Starting with the Index Finger) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bea_EphAx8E&feat ure=youtu.be&list=PLHb7PTlfzjy4hkZbY8muIAX0Ja07-bd7y (Starting with the sign AGE)
Starting With… Index Finger AGE Used for all ages Used for ages 10 and up Palm Orientation for Numbers 1-5 = _______________________ Both ways convey = ______________________
Signing Age Practice
Age Practice Chad is 2 years old He is 48 years old Kiernan is 1 year old Mike is 17 years old My mother is 42 years old She is 13 years old Ahmed is 20 years
Age Practice Kendra is 16 years old He is not 1 year old yet Tera is 29 years old DaShawn is 15 years old My grandfather is 80 years old She is 13 years old Cecile is 30 years old