Français 2, 24 Avril 2017 Ouvrez vos livres à la page 142. Faites le 27. Why were the teacher’s eye’s crossed? Régler – to settle, to deal with. Je préfère régler cette affaire à ma façon. Goals – Learn about discussing your grades, giving reasons, and making excuses. Les Devoirs – A la page 143, faites le 29. He couldn’t control his pupils.
Français 2, 25 Avril 2017 Sortez un feuille de papier. Faites <<Quiz 5-3A>>, part A. What kind of cats like to go bowling? Sûr/-e – safe. L’avion est le moyen de transport le plus sûr. Flight is the safest means of transport. Goals – Practice connecting congratulations and reprimands to giving reasons and excuses. Circuit practice. Les Devoirs – Faites <<Quiz 5-3A>>, part B.
Français 2, 26 Avril 2017 Sortez un feuille de papier. Faites <<Quiz 5-3A>>, part C. What did the rug say to the floor? Débrouillard/-e – resourceful. Ne t’inquiète pas, il est débrouillard. Don’t worry, he’s resourceful. Goals – Practice connecting congratulations and reprimands to giving reasons and excuses. Circuit practice. Les Devoirs – Ecrivez dialogue 5-3; premier bruillon. I’ve got you covered
Français 2, 27 Avril 2017 Ouvrez vos livres à la page 145. Faites le Panorama Culturel. What is purple and runs through the house? Rebondir – to bounce back. L’affaire n’en fait pas de rebondir. There are new developments all the time. Goals –Practice connecting congratulations and reprimands to giving reasons and excuses. Circuit practice. Brin in passé compose. Les Devoirs – A la page 154, Faites le 7. Plumming.
Français 2, 28 avril 2017 Sortez un feuille de papier. Faites <<Additional Listening 5-5>>. Did you hear about the invisible man who married the invisible woman? Cette nuit – tonight. Je vais mal dormir cette nuit. I’m going to sleep badly tonight. Goals – Continue work on dialogue 5-3. Les Devoirs – A la page 154, faites le 8 et 9. Their kids aren’t much to look at either.