Overview Steps to Achieving Your Eligibility Initial-Eligibility Requirements
Steps to Achieving Your Eligibility
Grade 9: PLAN You should start planning now by working hard to earn the best grades possible. Ask your counselor for a list of your school’s NCAA core courses to make sure you are taking NCAA-approved courses. Your school’s list of NCAA courses can be found at
Grade 10: REGISTER Register at at the beginning of your sophomore year, but no later than your junior year. There is a fee; however waivers are available your junior year IF you: Receive an ACT or SAT fee waiver Based on Free/Reduced lunch, Upward Bound, AVID School counselor confirms waiver status online If you fall behind on courses, do not take shortcuts to catch up. Your counselor can help you by finding approved courses or programs that you can take.
Grade 11: STUDY Students should check with their counselor to make sure they are on track to graduate on time. Students should register to take the ACT, SAT or both. Use the NCAA Eligibility Center code “9999” as a score recipient. The Eligibility Center will not accept scores from the high school. At the end of the year, upload your students’ official transcripts or ask your counselor.
Grade 12: GRADUATE Take the ACT or SAT again, if necessary, and make sure to send your scores by using code 9999. Complete all academic and amateurism questions in your NCAA Eligibility Center account at After you graduate, ask your counselor to upload your transcript with proof of graduation.
Initial-Eligibility Requirements & Academic Requirements
What Is a Core Course? A course that qualifies for high school graduation in one or more of the following: English, mathematics, natural or physical science, social science, foreign language or comparative religion or philosophy; Is considered four-year college preparatory; Is taught at or above the high school’s regular academic level; For mathematics courses, is at the level of Algebra 1 or higher; and Is taught by a qualified instructor.
Academic Requirements Graduate from high school Complete NCAA-approved courses Earn a minimum required core-course grade-point average (GPA) 2.3 or take a knee Earn a required SAT or ACT sum score
Determining GPA A’s equal 4 B’s equal 3 C’s equal 2 D’s equal 1 Note that Honors and AP courses receive 1 additional point Only core courses are used in the calucation
Why a High GPA? Eligibility is determined by an individual’s core GPA and Test Scores from either the ACT or SAT The higher an individual’s GPA is means the test scores can be lower. This is important if the student is not a good test taker.
Learn More Guide for the College-Bound Student-Athlete Initial Eligibility Brochure NCAA Division I Academic Standards Guide NCAA Division II Academic Standards Guide Contact the NCAA Eligibility Center customer service at 877-262-1492 (toll free)