ExoMars RSP Science Archive Concept Review [an informal non-corporate Workshop] 28 September 2017 Leo Metcalfe Science Operations Development Manager.


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Presentation transcript:

ExoMars RSP Science Archive Concept Review [an informal non-corporate Workshop] 28 September 2017 Leo Metcalfe Science Operations Development Manager

Agenda for this Review Board Meeting Review Organisation ExoMars RSP at ESAC

Agenda for this Review Board Meeting 09:00 Introduction Metcalfe 20 mins. 09:20 The RSP Archive System Lim 20 mins. RSP System Overview and Responsibilities 09:40 PDS4 and RSP Lim 30 mins. Data policy Short introduction to PDS4, bundles collections and products PSA Data Standards and Documentation for Data Providers European Data Definition Status and plans 10:10 ROCC Operations and the PSA Archive Lim 20 mins. Operational Scenario What is defined and what we still need to work on Status of ROCC and European PI Interfaces and plans 10:30 Coffee 10:50 Introduction to the PSA Besse 25 mins. Why a PSA? PSA in the PDS/IPDA Context What is in the PSA? The PSA Services Upgrades to support the RSP Mission 11:15 The IKI Archive Batanov 20 mins. Plans for the user interface and community support Status of data definition and interfaces with PIs and SPOCC 11:35 Plans for community support Lim 5 mins. 11:40 Outline Development Schedule Lim 5 mins. 11:45 Questions & Discussion All 12:00 Board Meeting and Preparation of Board Report 13:00 Meeting Close.

Review Organisation

Scope of Review Early-stage, informal (“non-corporate”) review in ESA SCI-O/DSCI Refer to: Planetary Science Archive (PSA) Concept [RD.01] The Planetary Science Archive (PSA) at ESAC aims to preserve, present and promote scientific observations of the Solar System by the European Space Agency’s (ESA) missions, to the World ExoMars RSP Mission Data Archive Plan [AD.03] The Archive Plan describes the proposed approach to implementing an RSP Science Archive, and follows consultation among the EXM Project, the ESAC ExoMars team and the RSP Project Scientists, the ESAC Science Data Centre (ESDC), the Russian Science Ground Complex (NNK/IKI), and the ROCC at ALTEC The presentations interpret these (and other) documents The interfaces between the ROCC & the Rover PI teams are outside the scope of this review. The interfaces between the SPOCC, IKI/NNK & the Surface Platform PI teams are outside the scope of this review.

Review Objectives Board to render its opinion & advice in relation to the following questions: Will the RSP concept within the PSA, as presented in this review, act as a discovery space for the Mars community to find Rover and Surface Platform Data? Has anything been forgotten in the system conception and the interfaces? With the understanding that we are working within tight constraints, is there anything we should be doing differently? Are there any areas of concern, and for each area, are there recommendations on how these concerns might be mitigated? But crucially, in one bullet, to expose, at this early stage, the character of the RSP Science Archiving task to all key participants.

Methodology Review Item Dispositions (RIDs): The Review Board will: No RIDs All issues raised verbally during the meeting and processed directly. The Review Board will: Determine the outcome of the review on the basis of material presented & the discussions Make recommendations & identify any follow-up actions Assess the achievement of the Review objectives Agree the Board report prepared by the Board secretaries summarising the review recommendations for the Development Manager.

Composition of the Review Board: Composition of the Review Board: Management, and Members Internal to ESAC Project Name Affiliation Role Function D. Lennon SCI-OO Co-chair SCI-OO Division Head L. Elshanskiy Roscosmos   T. Lim SCI-ODY Secretary EXM Archive Scientist L. Metcalfe Co-Secretary EXM 2016 SGS Development Manager Internal to ESAC ESDC or EXM@ESAC C. Vallat SCI-OPR Member ESDC PSA Lead Scientist S. Besse SCI-OP A. MacFarlane ESDC S/W Engineer I. Barbarisi ESDC PSA Tech. Coordinator A. Villacorta EXM S/W Engineer D. Coia

Composition of the Review Board: External to ESAC Project Name Affiliation Role Function External to ESAC ESDC or to EXM@ESAC S. Martinez SCI-ODC Member Bepi-Colombo Archive Scientist E. Grotheer SCI-OOT MEX/VEX Archive Scientist D. Heather SCI-OPR Rosetta Archive Scientist M. Casale Bepi-Colombo SGS Dev. Manager P. Martin MEX and ROS Mission Manager E. Sefton-Nash SCI-S Planetary Scientist L. Joudrier HRE-PEG EXM Rover GNC & Ops. Support J. Vago ESA EXM RSP Project Scientist H. Svedhem ESA EXM 2016 Project Scientist D. Rodionov IKI/NNK, Russia Russian EXM Project Scientist V. Nazarov Russian EXM SOC (NNK) Manager O. Batanov Russian EXM Archive Scientist M. Barrera ROCC, ALTEC ROCC System Engineer F. Salvioli ROCC software engineer G. Lovera

Composition of the Review Board: Observers A. Williams ESA OPS-OPX Observer ROCC/SPOCC Coordinator P. Franceschetti TAS-I Rover Operations & ROCC Engineer N. Mozhina TsNIImash   A. Alabin N. Kulagin At their discretion Lavochkin

ExoMars RSP at ESAC

ESAC ESA-ROSCOSMOS INTERAGENCY AGREEMENT: ESAC ARCHIVING TASKS ABSTRACTED ESAC Archive all science and transmitted engineering data of the TGO orbiter, the EDM, the ExoMars Rover and the Surface Platform Ingest TGO and EDM data products into the ESA PSA Ingest Rover data bundles into the ESA PSA Ingest Surface Platform data bundles into the ESA PSA … but Tanya will tell you what we WILL do …

ExoMars RSP at ESAC: What we will NOT do The currently-funded RSP archiving effort at ESAC relies on funds saved from the budget allocation for TGO Science Operations! We are offering a bare-bones archive (but may seek additional funding at the December 2019 Ministerial Council Meeting) ESAC will perform NO Data Processing for the RSP mission ESAC will perform NO post-processing of delivered products: Deliveries to ESAC have to arrive “PSA-ready” ESAC will not support the SPICE geometry service for RSP (as we do for TGO) ROCC supports SPICE for the Rover IKI supports SPICE for the SP

Project-level Reviews of the RSP Archive Development [AD.04] Timeframe The Ground Archive Requirements and Design Review (GARDR) September 2018 The Ground Archive Implementation Review (GAIR) January 2020 The Ground Archive Readiness Review (GARR) June 2020 [AD.04] ESA-Roscosmos ExoMars Joint Management Plan, Sec.7.7.3


APPENDIX: Compilation of High-level Commitments

ESA-ROSCOSMOS INTERAGENCY AGREEMENT (ESA_LEG_411 – 14 Mar.2013) defines scope of ESAC commitment explicitly & implicitly in the following Sections (amongst others) Sec.6.1.18. (ESA will) "… for the ExoMars Rover and its payload instruments … (manage and coordinate) submission of data products to the ESA PSA for its archiving, and to a copy / mirror archive in the planetary science archive of Roscosmos and its Designated Entities" Sec.6.2.21. (Roscosmos will) "… for the Surface Platform and its payload instruments … (manage and coordinate) submission of data products to the ESA PSA for archiving, and maintaining a copy/mirror archive in the planetary science archive of Roscosmos and its Designated Entities;" … and ... Sec.6.2.22. (Roscosmos will) "… for the Roscosmos-provided ExoMars Rover payload instruments … (manage, in coordination with ESA) … submission of standard data products to the ESA PSA for … archiving, and maintaining a copy/mirror archive in the planetary science archive of Roscosmos and its Designated Entities.” 8.1.3. European Space Astronomy Centre (ESAC) - for science planning and science data archiving in ESAC, with the exception of ExoMars Rover science planning, which shall be conducted under the control of ESTEC. Note: For clarity re. 8.1.3 we stress that ESAC has NO responsibility in the RSP mission for science planning. During TGO science planning we plan around Relay windows for surface assets. These Relay windows are inserted by ESOC into the planning orbit file which we receive for TGO science planning purposes.

ESA-ROSCOSMOS INTERAGENCY AGREEMENT (ESA_LEG_411 – 14 Mar.2013) defines scope of ESAC commitment explicitly & implicitly in the following Sections (amongst others) Sec.8.2.5. "…IKI … (will be responsible for) … maintaining a copy/mirror archive of all ExoMars data in the planetary science archive of () Roscosmos and its Designated Entities. Sec.12.4. "The Parties and their Designated Entities shall be responsible for archiving and for maintaining a copy/mirror archive of all raw science and transmitted engineering data of the TGO orbiter, the EDM, the ExoMars Rover and Surface Platform." Sec.12.6. "Special Data Products … of the ExoMars mission … shall be provided to the ESA PSA for its archiving and for maintaining a copy/mirror archive in the planetary science archive of Roscosmos and its Designated Entities."

EXM Science Management Plan (SMP): for RSP (ESA/PB-HME(2014)2) Sec.6.1.2 2018 Mission The Rover scientific and housekeeping data archive will be in ESAC’s PSA. A copy of the Rover data archive will also be kept in IKI (Russia). The SP data archive will be in IKI (Russia). A copy of the SP data archive will also be maintained in ESAC. Sec.6.4 Rover Operations Control Centre The ... (ROCC) ... will be responsible for ... : – In coordination with ESAC, the preparation of guidelines for science data archiving, and the creation of the Pasteur Scientific Data Archive (PSDA), as part of the ESA Planetary Science Archive (PSA). – In coordination with ESAC, making pre-processed data, including the Pasteur Scientific Data Archive available to the scientific community in accordance with ESA-approved procedures. Sec.6.5.3 Data Obligations The ESA and Roscosmos science data archives will be the repository of all mission products. In coordination with ESAC, the Rover Operations Control Centre (ROCC) will prepare and maintain the Pasteur Scientific Data Archive (PSDA) within six months of the receipt of data sets from the Rover instrument teams. The PSDA will become freely accessible online to all scientists through the ESA Planetary Science Archive (PSA) and through a mirror copy maintained at IKI (Russia). Likewise, Roscosmos will archive and make available the ExoMars SP data. A copy of this data set will also be available in the ESA PSA.