Cell phone use is prohibited. Students: Today is a red light day. Cell phone use is prohibited. This is your warning.
12.01 Sales Tax
When you purchase any item, there is additional amount of money added to the selling price. This additional money is called a sales tax. The sales tax is usually expressed as a percent and will vary from state to state. Many states allow the cities and counties to add additional tax to the state sales tax.
Combined Tax Rate = State Tax + City Tax + County Tax Sales Tax = Selling Price x Combined Tax Rate The Combined Tax Rate in Chicago is 10.25% Item Selling Price State Tax Rate City Tax Rate Combined Tax Rate Sales Tax Nintendo Switch $ 299.99 2.00 % 0.00 % $ Beats X Earphones $ 149.85 3.00 % 1.25 % Moana DVD $ 22.79 7.75 % 2.50 % 2 % 6.00 4.25 % 6.37 10.25 % 2.34
Best Buy is selling a Galaxy S7 Phone for $ 569. 99 Best Buy is selling a Galaxy S7 Phone for $ 569.99. If the sales tax rate is 7.50 %, find the sales tax. $ 569.99 x 7.50 % = $ 42.75 Walmart is selling a Samsung 60” 4K Ultra Smart LED TV for $ 1699.79. If the sales tax rate is 6.00 %, find the sales tax. $ 1699.79 x 6.00 % = $ 101.99 A man bought a loaf a bread for $ 2.50 and a package of ham for $ 5.99. If the sales tax rate is 2.25 %, find the sales tax. $ 8.49 x 2.25 % = $ 0.19
Find the Subtotal and Sales Tax for the receipt. Item Price Cake $ 29.50 Candles $ 1.35 Plates $ 2.49 Napkins $ 1.00 Forks $ 2.25 Subtotal $ Sales Tax Tax Rate = 10.25 % 36.59 3.75