Chapter 2:
Perception The process by which we make sense out of experiences
The perception process is impacted by many variables such as: Race Gender Culture Age Past Experiences
These variables can result in perceptual errors. Let’s take a look…
Perceptual Sets Past experiences make us more likely to perceive something in a particular way.
We also encounter errors during the perceptual process.
The Perception Process: Three Parts Select of Stimuli Organize the Stimuli Analyze and Define the Stimuli 1 2 3
Step #1: Selection Obvious stimuli has a greater impact Intense Repetitious Contrastive Motives (stimuli which is most important to you)
Step #2: Organization Differences in the perceptual process also occur due to the way each person organizes stimuli.
Figure Ground Principle The part we focus on is called the figure. The remaining stimuli make up the ground.
Step #3: Analyzing and Defining Narratives We all create life stories based on past experiences Defining events We use these stories to form a framework for how we define or attach meaning to each new specific event. Interaction We gain reinforcement from others to solidify or uphold these meanings.
Other Problematic Perceptual Tendencies Self-serving bias= judge others more harshly than ourselves First Impressions Negative Bias Stereotyping Relational Satisfaction Halo vs Horn Effect
Perception Checking A three step process which enables us to take on the viewpoint of another person. Describe the behavior of the other person Develop at least two possible interpretations (Cognitive Complexity) Request clarification from the other person on how to interpret the behavior.
Example When you turned down my request for a date (behavior), I wasn’t sure if you did not want to go out (interpretation) or if you were just busy (2nd interpretation), how do you feel about going out? (clarification>
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