To inform SCOA on: PURPOSE Data trends Capacity Under-spending on Property Rates Reporting
BACKGROUND PGWC took responsibility for payment of Municipal Property Rates accounts as from 01 April 2008. This function previously vested with the National Department of Public Works. During 2008/09 a total of 1881 accounts payable to the value of R184 690 167 were received from municipalities, but only R147 092 538 (Budget of R147 127 000) was paid resulting in a shortfall of R37 563 167 3
DATA TRENDS 08/09 09/10 R’000 Budget: Main 147 127 164 865 Adjustment: 2008/09 Shortfall 2009/10 Shortfall 37 563 66 403 268 831 Payable: Paid 147 092 250 285 Accrued 37 598 6 500 (Shortfall) / Surplus (37 563) 12 046 The Property Rates Grant is in its 3rd year of Implementation and the data trends will be developed over time. PGWC is currently in the process of acquiring additional sites for health and educational purposes which will result in additional property rates expenditure.
Check and verify correctness of payments. CAPACITY OFFICIALS LEVEL FUNCTIONS PERFORMED Manager 12 Budget and Personnel Matters Financial and other reports High level enquiries (MEC, AG, PT, etc) Strategic Interventions with municipalities and other stakeholders. 1 x Verifier Contract (PSA) Check and verify correctness of payments. Verify and certify payments on system Collate and verify production and other statistical detail 4 x Administrative Officials 1x Permanent staff 3 x Contract (PSA) Process monthly payments i.r.o property rates accounts on iE-Works No funding was transferred to create the additional administrative capacity to manage the devolved property rates payments. Currently the function is performed by 2 permanent staff members and 4 contract personnel. 5
UNDER-SPENDING Root cause Risks Mitigating Late submission of accounts from CoCT due to process of splitting rates and utility accounts Late payments of accounts, accrual of interest and potential under spending Additional hours work to avert potential late payments and under spending. Monthly meetings with CoCT on outstanding accounts. 2009/10 accounts received after financial closure. Potential under spending, and under provision for 2010/11 allocation. Regular follow-up procedures with municipalities on outstanding accounts. Liaise timeously with PT and NDPW on potential allocation shortfall Delays in finalisation of transfer of new sites for Education and Health purposes. Timely follow-up with various role-players to ascertain status of transfer.