Your Charge: Articulating the Value of ACC Membership Leadership Forum 2015 Rick Chazal, MD, FACC
How many MOC part II credits are offered online by ACC today? 290 90 190 NOTE: We currently have 290 MOC Part II credits available over 29 MOC modules and continue to add new modules about once a quarter or more often.
What is the cost to members per MOC part II credit? $10 $15 Other
Where does JACC rank in impact factor compared to Circulation, American Journal of Cardiology, Circulation Research, European Heart Journal, etc.? 1 2 3
What percent of the cost of international travel for ACC is borne by the College? Nearly 100 percent Less than 10 percent
Where Do Members Find ? Value
Top Choice for Membership… 7 If members of multiple societies can only choose one association to be a member, over half (58%) would choose ACC. Q: If you just had to choose between all of the associations of which you are a member, which one would you choose if you could only choose one?
Most Valuable ACC Benefits Access to JACC and guidelines are the most valuable member benefits. The ACC website also provides value followed by educational resources (MOC, ACC.XX, mobile apps) and professional representation. Q: Which of the following benefits of ACC membership do you find most valuable? Please select all that apply.
Key ACC Building Blocks INCREASE EMPHASIS DOING GREAT This is an importance/performance chart where we asked members to rate 26 different ACC attributes. . I have redone this chart (please see attached) to make it easier to discuss . This chart depicts how those attributes rated in performance and importance as a contributor to ACC satisfaction. While all of these attributes are important, some rise to the surface as stronger contributors to member satisfaction. Those attributes in the green area represent items which receive a higher performance score and are more important to satisfaction. Those attributes in red are areas in which the college does not perform as well on but is important. The attributes in blue are areas where the ACC scored higher in performance but was less important to satisfaction and the areas in orange are less important and lower performance. LESS IMPORTANT EXPECTED The ACC continues to do a good job of delivering important member benefits.
Tracking Satisfaction Across Member Segments FIT and CV Team members are the most satisfied member segments. Satisfaction increases for pediatric specialists. Segment Type 2008 Satisfaction 2009 Satisfaction 2010 Satisfaction 2011 Satisfaction 2012 Satisfaction 2013 Satisfaction 2014 Satisfaction CV Team (n=124) 4.02 3.93 4.27 4.38 4.22 4.32 FIT (n=167) 3.85 3.94 4.07 3.95 3.50 4.29 Early Career (n=98) 3.67 3.57 3.87 3.71 3.73 4.14 4.00 WIC (n=90) 3.70 3.51 3.78 3.63 3.66 3.88 3.81 FF (n=524) 3.62 3.86 3.80 3.74 3.75 INTV (n=194) 3.43 3.76 3.61 TS* (n=18) 4.10 3.47 3.60 4.09 4.40 3.89 PEDS (n=68) 3.52 3.41 3.56 CCMA* (n=9) - International (n=216) 3.92 4.16 4.11 4.08 Total 3.69 This chart illustrates how different ACC members segments rate the College on satisfaction and provides a historical perspective. Clearly CV team members including administrators (they are identified as CCMA), FITs and early career members are most satisfied, followed by pediatric cardiologists, surgeons (designated with a TS) and women cardiologists (identify as WIC). Fellows rate the ACC 3.75 on satisfaction with the College receiving its lowest ratings from interventionalists with a mean score of 3.61 out of a possible 5 points which is still pretty good. * Small sample size * Small sample size
How many MOC part II credits are offered online by ACC today? 290 90 190 NOTE: We currently have 290 MOC Part II credits available over 29 MOC modules and continue to add new modules about once a quarter or more often.
What is the cost to members per MOC part II credit? $10 $15 Other
Where does JACC rank in impact factor compared to Circulation, American Journal of Cardiology, Circulation Research, European Heart Journal, etc.? 1 2 3
What percent of the cost of international travel for ACC is borne by the College? Nearly 100 percent Less than 10 percent
Action Items: What Do We Do Next ?
Leaders themselves must know ACC the value of the