World War I & World War II Judgment and Justice World War I & World War II Using Facing History and Ourselves Resources Focusing on Connections between The Nanjing Atrocities: Crimes of War and HHB Nathan Green
Motivation Those who participate in historical events are diverse individuals and I’d like my students to understand that. We explore the choices participants make and why they make those choices. I talk a lot about causes and conditions in my class. Hopefully, students will become more self-aware as they are becoming aware of history. The resources of Facing History and Ourselves makes my job really easy.
“Strengthening the Japanese Nation” Ch. 3 Reading 5 Pg. 103 Kimono Children’s clothing/toys Pg. 104 Japanese education Pg. 104 primary source on education, nationalism
“Strengthening the Japanese Nation” Choose One How did Japan get young people to support its military regime? Can you explain how Japanese education affected World War II? How is Japanese education related to other totalitarian regimes we’ve studied? What connections can you make between Japanese Education and your own?
“I Will Never Forget”: Voices of Survivors Ch. 4 Reading 7 Wen Shunshi pg. 173 Chen Deshou pg. 176 Pg. 177 to end Representations of two different types of Japanese soldiers
Exit Ticket Choose One What were some reasons why the Chinese didn’t leave Nanjing when the Japanese arrived? Make a connection between one of these documents and something else (text, world, self.) What are conflicting ways that Japanese soldiers are depicted in these sources? How are those depictions supported or refuted by Reading 5: “Strengthening the Japanese Nation?” ----- Meeting Notes (4/23/15 15:22) -----
A Question of Morality: John Rabe Ch. 5 Reading 5 Pg. 328 Rabe’s motivations for staying Pg. 239 connection to HHB Ch. 4 R 20 “Hard Times Return.” Nazi platform and beliefs. Pg. 241 Nazi flag as life saver. Pg. 241 plight of refugees. A question of familiarity. Contrast to “otherizing” presented in HHB.
John Rabe Comprehension Questions Define the word “paradox.” What is the personal reason John Rabe won’t leave Nanjing? What does the phrase, “cut and run” mean? What is the “official” reason Rabe won’t leave Nanjing? How do the 6 lines at the top of page 239 support or refute what you know about the Nazi party? How did Rabe use his status as a Nazi party member to dissuade Japanese misconduct? What was the biggest problem the Japanese had with the safety zone? Why was the area under the German flag “especially bombproof?” What acknowledgement did Rabe receive for his efforts to help the Chinese?