Sarah’s Key Tatiana de Rosnay
Book Trailer
Main Characters Sarah Starzynski Julia Jarmond 10-year-old Jewish girl Protects her family Very brave, proud child Julia Jarmond Born in America, living in Paris American journalist Discoverer of Sarah Starzynski’s story Julia
Sarah’s Key Sarah’s Key is written with parallel plots. A parallel plot is when the writer weaves two or more plots that are usually linked by a common characters and a similar plot.
Plot 1 July 1942 The first plot follows the Starzynski family. The French police, under orders of the Nazis, arrested Sarah and parents. They were sent to a concentration camp. vel-hiv-roundup-jews-nazi-death-camps-deportation- survivor
Plot 2 May 2002 The second plot follows Julia Jarmond. She is American but is living in Paris with her husband, Bertrand.
Conflict/Resolution Sarah Starzynski Julia Jarmond 2 main conflicts (due to parallel plots) Julia’s struggle to discover Sarah’s story Julia and Bertrand’s relationship & the baby Sarah Starzynski Julia Jarmond
Themes The past affects the future. Escape from the past and reality.
Interview with the Author
Sarah’s Key Vocabulary Concierge a person who has charge of the entrance of a building
Sarah’s Key Vocabulary Concierge a person who has charge of the entrance of a building Implicitly indicated (implied) rather than expressively stated
Sarah’s Key Vocabulary Concierge a person who has charge of the entrance of a building Implicitly indicated (implied) rather than expressively stated Disdain to look up upon or treat with contempt; despise; scorn
Sarah’s Key Vocabulary Ameliorate to make or become better, more bearable or satisfactory, improve
Sarah’s Key Vocabulary Ameliorate to make or become better, more bearable or satisfactory, improve Complicity The state of being an accomplice; partnership or involvement in wrong doing.
Sarah’s Key Vocabulary Ameliorate to make or become better, more bearable or satisfactory, improve Complicity The state of being an accomplice; partnership or involvement in wrong doing. Contemptuous Showing or expressing disdain; scornful
Sarah’s Key Vocabulary Façade a superficial appearance or illusion
Sarah’s Key Vocabulary Façade a superficial appearance or illusion Trifle a thing of little value
Sarah’s Key Vocabulary Façade a superficial appearance or illusion Trifle a thing of little value Solemnity state of being grave, sober, mirthless
Sarah’s Key Vocabulary Scrutinized to examine in detail with careful or critical attentions
Sarah’s Key Vocabulary Scrutinized to examine in detail with careful or critical attentions Deciphered to discover the meaning of
Sarah’s Key Vocabulary Scrutinized to examine in detail with careful or critical attentions Deciphered to discover the meaning of Turbulent being in a state if agitation
Ashen extremely pale; drained of color
Ashen extremely pale; drained of color Indefatigable incapable of tire out; out of yielding to fatigue
Ashen extremely pale; drained of color Indefatigable incapable of tire out; out of yielding to fatigue Flaccid lacking force
Sardonically disdainfully or bitterly sneering ironic; sarcastic
Sardonically disdainfully or bitterly sneering ironic; sarcastic Ambiguous open to or having several possible meanings or interpretations