operation information page Completing a Manure Management Plan Workshop operation information page This module focuses on completing the Operation Information Page. Facilitators should review and be familiar the guidance on page 4 and 5 of “Land Application of Manure”. v.12.2012
Operation Information Page (p.3) The first part of the page records key animal and crop information Acres on the operation available for manure application Owned Rented Animals on the operation Animal type Animal numbers On a typical production day Days on farm per year Crop rotation(s) At this point the farmers should have the blank Operation Information Page in front of them. This is page 3 of the Manure Management Plan Workbook section. This primary focus of this module will be on sections a – c.
Complete operation information page a-c Manure Management Plan Exercise – Page 3 Complete operation information page a-c Farmers should complete section a-c. Facilitators may want to refer participants to the completed example of the Operation Information Page. This is page 5 in “Land Application of Manure”.
Operation Information Page (p.3) The second part of the page identifies which sections of the plan must be completed Uses “Yes” or “No” to note whether key features or practices are part of the operation and it’s management Parts d-i will be completed After an overview of each specific component As part of the completion of the associated plan component Note that each of the remaining sections will be completed as part of the completion of that plan component.
Operation Information Page (p.3) Environmentally Sensitive Areas (check yes or no) If yes, must complete Environmentally Sensitive Areas Worksheet (p.4) Winter Application (check yes or no) If yes, must complete Winter Application Worksheet (p.5) Manure Storage Facilities (check yes or no) If yes, must complete Manure Storage Facilities Worksheet (p.8) Solid Manure Stockpiling or Stacking (check yes or no) If yes, must meet the guidance requirements (p.20) Pasture Areas (check yes or no) If yes, must complete Pasture Management Worksheet (p.9) Animal Concentration Areas (check yes or no) If yes, must complete Animal Concentration Area Worksheets (pp. 9 & 10)