Today: 10 minutes to finish your final draft for your “My Name” writing piece Grab your supplies! Put your finished draft in the blue basket.
Vocabulary Quiz! You need: A sheet of paper with your name, date, and period on it. Clear your desk!
Visual Vocabulary Wall
Visual Vocabulary Wall: Your Task: Choose a vocabulary word, and create a visual vocabulary representation for it. You will begin with a complete and detailed rough draft for your word before creating a final draft. You must include the following: Vocabulary Word written in concrete form (large and neat) Definition of the word Complete sentence using the word Three Synonyms and Antonyms Your Design: Vocabulary word must be most visible element You must use all of the space on your page You must include color and visual interest
Concrete Form for Vocabulary: Write each word in a way that it visually shows what that word means. Use size, font, shape, illustrations inside letters, or other ideas. Example: Obsolete Example: Pungent ng nt bs lete
Visual Vocabulary Final Draft: Choose ONE of your words to create a final draft You must include the following: Vocabulary Word written in concrete form (large and neat) Definition of the word Complete sentence using the word Three Synonyms and Antonyms Your Design: Vocabulary word must be most visible element You must use all of the space on your page You must include color and visual interest
Let’s recap what you need to turn in: Detailed rough draft of your visual representation for your word. A final draft that includes: -Three Synonyms -Three Antonyms -Definition -A complete sentence using the word -Vocabulary Word written in concrete form (large and neat) -Color!
My Example:
Student Example
Student Example
Student Example
Student Example
Rough Draft Pick a word from your vocabulary notes to represent visually. Create a detailed rough draft for your visual representation. Your rough draft is your ticket for your final draft.
Student Example
Student Example
Let’s recap what you need to turn in: Detailed rough draft of your visual representation for your word. A final draft that includes: -Three Synonyms -Three Antonyms -Definition -A complete sentence using the word -Vocabulary Word written in concrete form (large and neat) -Color!