Efficiency and effectiveness
Estimated new HIV infections in Kenya, 2014 Source: UNAIDS estimates; Kenya Ministry of Health. Estimated new HIV infections in Kenya, 2014
Projected rate of new HIV infections in Kenya Source: Kenya HIV Prevention Revolution road map: count down to 2030. Nairobi: Kenya Ministry of Health; 2014.
Two scenarios for Zimbabwe, 2015–2025: business as usual vs. enhanced coverage with efficiencies Source: Discussion paper: towards a “second generation” HIV investment case for Zimbabwe. Harare: Government of Zimbabwe and UNAIDS; 2015. New HIV infections AIDS-related deaths
HIV diagnoses yield from PEPFAR-supported testing sites, Zimbabwe, 2014 Source: PEPFAR.
Model-predicted evolution of annual HIV incidence in Sudan if no changes were made to the HIV response, 2010–2030 Source: Populated Optima model for Sudan. Note: Future projections hold 2013 spending levels constant