January 2016 Together in Mission
Did you know… $19,000 was donated from February through November toward Together in Mission in 2015?
Of that amount… $15,000 was designated for projects within the Florida-Bahamas Synod and $4,000 was designated for projects of The Lutheran Church of Haiti.
Grants awarded in 2015… For Florida-Bahamas Synod projects: $77,880 Lutheran Church of Haiti: $19,000.
In its 4-year history…. The Together in Mission Fund has granted a total of $421,000 for projects throughout the synod and in Haiti
The 8-person Grant Team…. Is comprised of 8 members: Five laypersons Three clergy Geographically diverse with homes all over Florida.
You are invited… to join us in changing lives and bringing hope to communities throughout Florida and Haiti. Give now!