Organized by MAFF-NSSU Supported by ADB-TA8163 Reflection Workshop The implementation of Letter of Agreement 25 October 2016 Sunway Hotel, Phnom Penh Organized by MAFF-NSSU Supported by ADB-TA8163
Background The LOA is a legal instrument executed by ADB and GMS countries in which the party receives TA funds from ADB to undertake specified TA 8163 activities. LOA is one of implementation modalities of TA to support CASP2 LOA aims to promote country ownership of TA activities—their identification, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation Under TA-8163 REG, MAFF was financed 310,000 USD to implement projects in response to MAFF’s priorities and CASP2 (TA output 3)
Results Inception workshop in July 2014; Consultation and Discussion on LOA in Sept 2014; LOA signed in 31 October 2014; Developed and submit six Project Proposals for ADB approval in 2014; Developed Inception Report and approved in March 2015 Received 85% of total fund.
Results Conducted LoA training 2 courses ( Dec 2014 and July 2015) LoA project implementation period: 30 April 2015 – 30 June 2016 (but as of June 2016, 3 projects could not complete as plan and requested for delay until Sept 2016. All project completed 100%. Preparing progress report July – Sept 2016 Preparing Project Completion Report Requesting for Last installment from ADB
Implementing Partners About Six LoA projects Project Name Implementing Partners % Activity Completed Completed Date Cambodian Sustainable Organic Farming Technology Department of Plant Protection 100% May 2016 Development of Natural Based Integrated Farming Model for Adaptation to Climate Change Provincial Department of Agriculture in Tbaung Khmum August 2016 Food Safety Mechanism in Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) Department of Plan Protection June 2016
About Six LoA projects Project Name Implementing Partners % Activity Completed Completed Date Innovative Tools and Contract Farming Mechanism for Enhancing the Efficiency of Agribusiness Department of Agro Industry 100% August 2016 Disseminate on Biochar Production, Utilization and Application on Agricultural Crop in Cambodia. Department of Agricultural Engineering June 2016 Improving the Quality and Safety for Better Livelihood and Promoting Market Access through the Implication of the Fish Paste Product Standard Fisheries Administration September 2016
About Outputs Built capacity to 1845 farmers (772 women = 39.13%) on CFA technologies, Organic Agriculture, Good Agriculture Practice (GAP), Contract farming market linkages and income generation Built capacity to 289 government officers (38 women = 11%) and 35 privates (20 women = 57.14%) on CFA technologies, Organic Agriculture, Good Agriculture Practice (GAP), Contract farming market linkages and income generation
About Outputs 78 demonstration farms on vegetable and rice were established and visited by trained farmers and none famer beneficiaries. 54 model farmer become farmer leaders in community. LoA project helped to improve agricultural productivity through CFA practices. Support agriculture policies/strategies on food safety, GAP, CFA, organic agriculture and contract farming.
About Outcomes Farmers (Esp. 78 farmers) and Government officers (Esp. 289 officers)adopted CFA and organic agriculture technologies in target province. Especially farmer demonstration. Application and adoption by target farmers on GAP and organic. Some farmers reducing agro chemical use. Application of fish paste standard by Prahoc processors. Increase more women participation in farming activities about 35%. Farmer’s production and livelihood increased when applied CFA. Enhanced market access for environmentally friendly agricultural products for farmers. The success of project activities are considered to the department’s priority plan and budget.
About Issues/Challenges: Output based approach: financial constraints Level and capacity of project implementation Different progress and project completion, affects to disbursement in whole LoA. Late submission of report by LOA implementers Late submission of liquidation of expense supporting documents Participation of women need to increase Need to increase partnership with privates in term of improving market links; Need to explore the possibility for up scaling
About Lesson Learned and Activity to be upscaled What are the lesson learned ? What are the activities to be upcaled?
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