Presentation Outline PART A PART B Overview of progress in the main programmes of the Department of Basic Education as presented in the Fourth Quarter Report of the 2010/2011 Financial Year. PART B 2010/2011 Finances
Part A: Overview of progress in the main programmes of the Department of Basic Education as presented in the Fourth Quarter Report of the 2010/2011 Financial Year.
Strategic Planning and Reporting ADMINISTRATION KEY ISSUES The Draft Education Laws Amendment Act has been converted into three Bills (BELAB, HELAB and HETLAB) in line with the re-organisation of the Department of Education. The drafted NEEDU Bill was presented at the Minister’s Management Meeting. The EU funding for the PrimEd SPSP programme was received into the RDP account at National Treasury. Funds are in the process of being transferred to the DBE. Strategic Planning and Reporting
Strategic Planning and Reporting ADMINISTRATION ACTIVITIES The proposed 2013 School Calendar has been finalised for public comments. The draft 2014 calendar will be discussed in the new financial year. The monitoring of provincial education spending against budgetary allocations and strategic plans for the fourth quarter was done; the analysis was then submitted to the DG and the Minister. All Provincial HR Plans were analysed and reports forwarded to PEDs. The SA-China Basic Education Agreement was signed in March 2011 in Beijing. Strategic Planning and Reporting
Strategic Planning and Reporting CURRICULUM KEY ISSUES The Workbook Project CAPS Documents and Training The Minister of DBE hosted a Round Table Discussions on ICTs in Education aimed at exploring practical and workable ICT solutions that the Department can implement in the classroom to support and improve quality of teaching and learning Strategic Planning and Reporting
Strategic Planning and Reporting CURRICULUM ACTIVITIES Learner workbook, Book 1 for Grades 1-6 has been developed and distributed to 19 000 Public primary schools in the nine provinces. The second volume of 105 workbooks were handed to the printers between 22 February to 31 March. It is envisaged that the books will be printed and the second consignment of books will be delivered to 19000 Public primary schools by 24 June 2011. Grades 1-4 English and Afrikaans workbooks for numeracy and literacy were adapted to Braille. Grade 1-2 workbooks and a selection of Grades 10-12 textbooks were submitted for Braille reproduction. There are 569 (GET) Grade R Foundation Phase toolkit content resources in all official languages uploaded on Thutong in this quarter. 80% of the CAPS documents have been sent to the publishers for the development of textbooks. Training of 200 provincial, district officials and School Management Teams (SMT) of all schools for the Deaf and Blind, were trained in visual and hearing impairment in March 2011 Strategic Planning and Reporting
Strategic Planning and Reporting TEACHERS AND HRD KEY ISSUES The National Planning Framework for teacher education and development has been launched by both Ministers of Education. An analysis of the profiles of Funza Lushaka graduates shows that most bursaries are awarded to FET phase specialisation. Few Foundation and Intermediate Phase bursars are able to teach in an African Language. In 10-15 years, over 90,000 teachers are due to retire. HR Connect Project is finalised. A Database of existing qualifications and subjects qualified to teach has been established to identify shortages. Data will be received from service provider. Discussions on the Draft Teacher Performance Appraisal instrument as well as on the PMDS for both office and institution based educators, are continuing in the ELRC. Strategic Planning and Reporting
Strategic Planning and Reporting TEACHERS AND HRD ACTIVITIES Interest in teaching as a career has shown significant improvement. Over 30,000 applications for the Funza Lushaka bursary were received. 10,073 students were funded. All public schools have implemented the Policy on Learner Attendance as part of national norms and standards for the recording, managing and monitoring of learner attendance. Whole School Evaluation personnel visited seven provincial whole school evaluation teams in three provinces. The target for the 2011 ACE: SL intake exceeded by 38 when 1488 principals were placed in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in 8 provinces The following documents have been finalised: Framework document on Districts the Roles and Responsibilities of Subject Advisors The following tools are in the process of being finalised: School Governing Body (SGB) Support Tool Annual Academic Performance Reporting Template Strategic Planning and Reporting
PLANNING, QUALITY ASSESSMENT, MONITORING AND EVALUATION KEY ISSUES An analysis of all PEDs Annual Performance Plans for 2011/12 and its alignment to “Action Plan to 2014” was completed. Not all elements of the Action Plan were fully implemented by PEDs. The Annual National Assessment tests were distributed to PEDs in January and February 2011. The framework for the backlogs grant and the Infrastructure Grant to provinces were finalised with National Treasury. Strategic Planning and Reporting
PLANNING, QUALITY ASSESSMENT, MONITORING AND EVALUATION ACTIVITIES The irregularities for 2010 examinations were investigated and resolved. The process of Remark/Recheck was closely monitored. The conduct and administration of the NSC was monitored and daily examination reports were produced. The first consignment of the Senior Certificate May/June 2011 examinations was distributed to PEDs on 15 March 2011. The ANA tests were administered in the week of 8-11 February 2011. The tests were administered to +/- 6 million learners in Grades 1 – 6 and 9 in the country in +/- 1 300 schools. The NEEDU Bill, alongside a narrative document has been drafted. The hostel policy has been finalised with inputs from stakeholders’ and provinces and from directorates in DBE LURITS progress report and targets were presented at EMIS HEDCOM Sub-Committee Meeting of 16th – 17th March 2011 and at LURITS Steering Committee Meeting of 15th March 2011. Strategic Planning and Reporting
SOCIAL MOBILISATION AND SUPPORT SERVICES KEY ISSUES At a seminar on 7 March 2011, the Deputy Minister announced the Draft Integrated Strategy on HIV and AIDS, 2012-2016 and formally opened the consultation process. The strategy charts a comprehensive approach by the schooling system to HIV and AIDS over the next five years. Provinces have received R188 045 million of the HIV and AIDS Life Skills Education conditional grant allocation, representing 100% of the total allocation. Through the National School Nutrition Pprogramme, 8 125 695 learners were fed in 20 250 quintile 1 – 3 primary and quintile 1 – 2 secondary schools. The initial target had been 6 539 271 learners. In partnership with Transnet’s Phelophepha Train, approximately 27 879 primary school learners received health screening services in the Free State. KZN dedicated the month of March to the School Health Screening Programme focusing on lower quintile primary schools. 30 954 learners received health screening services The Integrated plan for School Sport has been approved by CEM. Preparations for the establishment of School Sports Leagues have been done. Strategic Planning and Reporting
SOCIAL MOBILISATION AND SUPPORT SERVICES ACTIVITIES Ministers of DBE and SAPS have signed the Protocol on collaboration for safe schools. The plan targeted 9000 schools (1000 schools per province) to be linked with local police stations. 11 822 Schools have been linked to police stations. Safe School Committees have been established in 10 263 schools, whereas the target had been 8000 schools nationally. The training of Adjudicators and Conductors for the South African Schools Choral Eisteddfod in 2011 was conducted from 29 – 30 January 2011. Nine provincial visits were conducted in January 2011 to establish provincial readiness to undertake the school HCT Campaign. The GEM BEM Back to School Campaign provided an opportunity to introduce thousands of learners and participating teachers, to Speak Out resources; as well as engaging in discussions to tackle sexual abuse in schools. Strategic Planning and Reporting
SOCIAL MOBILISATION AND SUPPORT SERVICES (continued) ACTIVITIES A project to train teachers in multi-grade teaching was for the first time implemented nationally. 104 Teachers, 16 district officials and 8 provincial officials were trained in multi-grade education in the eight provinces (with the exclusion of Western Cape) LeadSA and the South African Interfaith Council have partnered with the department to promote the Bill of Responsibilities in schools, places of worship and the general public. A training manual on Human Rights and School Governance, to support the training of School Governing Bodies and Representative Councils of Learners in all provinces has been developed and submitted to Minister for approval. Empirical research has been completed to develop a Social Cohesion Toolkit for schools and school communities to support excellence in education.
Part B: 2010/2011 Finances
Expenditure as % of Final Appropriation ALLOCATION AGAINST ACTUAL EXPENDITURE PER PROGRAMME FOR THE 2010/11 FINANCIAL YEAR PROGRAMMES 2010/11 Expenditure as % of Final Appropriation FINAL APPROPRIATION ACTUAL EXPENDITURE VARIANCE R’000 Administration 266 920 259 250 7 670 97.1% Curriculum Policy, Support and Monitoring 1 345 618 736 673 608 945 54.8% Teachers and Education Human Resources Development and Management 503 705 486 619 17 086 96.6% Planning, Quality Assessment and Monitoring and Evaluation 165 938 147 531 18 407 88.9% Social Responsibility 3 889 818 3 885 004 4 814 99.9% Total 6 171 999 5 515 077 656 922 89.4%
ALLOCATION PER ECONOMIC CLASSIFICATION FOR THE 2010/11 FINANCIAL YEAR Expenditure as % of Final Appropriation FINAL APPROPRIATION ACTUAL EXPENDITURE VARIANCE R’000 Compensation of employees 270 880 252 907 17 973 93.4% Goods and Services 1 445 353 824 001 621 352 57.0% Interest and Rent on Land 51 549 51 548 1 100.0% Transfers and Subsidies 4 390 282 4 373 846 16 436 99.6% Payments for Capital Assets 13 935 12 775 1 160 91.7% Total 6 171 999 5 515 077 656 922 89.4%
ALLOCATION OVER THE 2010/11 FINANCIAL YEAR ECONOMIC CLASSIFICATION 2010/11 Expenditure as % of Final Appropriation FINAL APPROPRIATION ACTUAL EXPENDITURE VARIANCE R’000 Compensation of Employees 198 930 187 965 10 965 94.5% Examiners and Moderators 15 080 15 073 7 100.0% Transfers to Public Entities 448 250 - Other Transfers 10 661 9 758 903 91.5% Conditional Grants 3 931 371 3 915 838 15 533 99.6% Earmarked Funds 1 323 921 703 926 619 995 53.2% Departmental Operations 215 484 211 088 4 396 98.0% Projects 28 302 23 179 5 123 81.9% Total 6 171 999 5 515 077 656 922 89.4%
Expenditure as % of Final Appropriation DETAILS OF EARMARKED ALLOCATIONS/TRANSFERS OVER THE 2010/11 FINANCIAL YEAR PROJECT/ACTIVITY 2010/11 Expenditure as % of Final Appropriation FINAL APPROPRIATION ACTUAL EXPENDITURE VARIANCE R’000 Earmarked Funds: 1 323 921 703 926 619 995 53.2% Kha Ri Gude Literacy Project 468 302 466 760 1 542 99.7% Workbooks 750 216 166 414 583 802 22.2% NEEDU 11 637 3 087 8 550 26.5% IQMS 33 380 27 031 6 349 81.0% EMIS 22 203 15 208 6 995 68.5% Systemic Evaluation 13 594 12 914 680 95.0% National Assessments: Grades 3, 6 and 9 10 000 1 093 8 907 10.9% NSNP 14 589 11 419 3 170 78.3% Conditional Grants: 3 931 371 3 915 838 15 533 99.6% Technical Secondary Schools Recapitalisation Conditional Grant 80 000 64 467 80.6% National School Nutrition Programme 3 663 326 - 100.0% HIV and Aids 188 045
Expenditure as % of Final Appropriation DETAILS OF EARMARKED ALLOCATIONS/TRANSFERS OVER THE 2010/11 FINANCIAL YEAR (cont.) PROJECT/ACTIVITY 2010/11 Expenditure as % of Final Appropriation FINAL APPROPRIATION ACTUAL EXPENDITURE VARIANCE R’000 Transfers to Public Entities 448 250 - 100.0% NSFAS: Fundza Lushaka Bursaries 424 000 SACE 1 000 Umalusi 17 350 HSRC 5 900 Other Transfers 10 661 9 758 903 91.5% ETDP SETA 141 142 (1) 100.7% UNESCO Membership Fees 10 131 9 235 896 91.2% ADEA 25 18 7 72.0% Childline South Africa 50 Guidance Counselling &Youth Development Centre: Malawi 100 Households 214 213 99.5%
Strategic Planning and Reporting CONCLUSION The link between planning, budgeting, implementation and monitoring and evaluation is improving progressively accross the department. The Action Plan to 2014 and the Delivery Agreement will increasingly serve as useful instruments for planning, budgeting, implementation and monitoring and evaluation in 2011/2012. These instruments have been clearly reflected in the Strategic Plan 2011-2014 and the Annual Performance Plan 2011/2012 Strategic Planning and Reporting
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