Contact information for Boglarka Kiss Kulenović Office hours: Tuesdays: 12:00 – 13:00 Wednesdays: 14:00 – 16:00 Office 18 Webpage: E-mail:
COURSE REQUIREMENTS regular attendance You will not get a signature if you miss more than 4 classes. The progress test can also be only taken by students who missed maximum 4 classes. active in-class participation passing the progress test and/or exams.
TWO WAYS TO GET A GRADE 1) PROGRESS TESTING - BEFORE REGULAR EXAM DATES regular attendance active class participation midterm test (minimum 51%) oral exam Final grade = written test + oral test+ class participation
final comprehensive written test (regular exam period) 2) REGULAR EXAM DATES regular attendance final comprehensive written test (regular exam period) final comprehensive oral exam (regular exam period)
REQUIRED LITERATURE B. Kiss Kulenović, B. Lekaj Lubina, M. Linčir-Lumezi, I. Planinšek-Čikara: English for Business.
Units covered in English for business 3 (Trade) The distribution channel Domestic trade International Trade Methods of payment in international trade Documents used in exports Incoterms Exchange rates Insurance Meetings
Timetable 15:00 – 16:15 Session 1 16:30 – 17:45 Session 2