Stephen Kelly Associate – TTR Ltd Project Manager - QDDS ANNUAL SUSTAINABLE MOBILITY CONFERENCE Tuesday 21st September 2010 – London Stephen Kelly Associate – TTR Ltd Project Manager - QDDS 2
Agenda Background / History Progress prior to the QDDS Project - What? - When? - Why? - Where? - How? What happens next?
Sustainable Urban Freight / Logistics Key Priorities:- Contribution to the urban economy Supporting schools, hospitals, businesses and homes Working in partnership to deliver a better future Key Areas:- Delivery and Servicing Plans Lorry routeing and movement Provision of loading / unloading facilities QDDS 4
Background / History “Shifting lorry traffic away from peak hour could help to ensure efficient access for vital goods and services and help to reduce traffic – related problems.” (Source: Department for Transport) 5
Background / History Commission for Integrated Transport / Freight Transport Association “Delivery Curfew Initiative” (1997) Possible pilot projects in Leeds (2001) Commitment from Government to undertake further work in respect of night time deliveries (2003) Establishment of “Local Regulatory Restrictions Working Group by Better Regulation Executive of Cabinet Office (2004) Sainsburys / Wandsworth Borough Council night time trial (2007) 6
Background / History CASE STUDY:- If 50% of restrictions removed:- Major retailer with 166 stores 70 stores subject to some form of night time restriction Fleet size of 270 vehicles Only 14% of deliveries currently made out of hours (22.00 -07.00 hours) If 50% of restrictions removed:- Removal of 25 vehicles from fleet / operator licence 150,000 vehicle miles saved Fuel saving of 52,000 litres Carbon Dioxide reduction of 140 tonnes Sulphur Dioxide reduction of 45kgs 7
Background / History Why remove / relax night time restrictions? Developments in the modern retailing environment The Local Transport Plan process:- Improving Road Safety Improving Air Quality Reducing Congestion Better Accessibility Benefits for business, local community and local authority Total removal of restrictions is neither practical nor appropriate 8
Progress pre QDDS The Wandsworth Trial (2007) Working group of Sainsbury’s, Noise Abatement Society, Wandsworth Borough Council Delivery profile amended to include night time deliveries (01.30 and 03.00 hours) Noise monitoring to be undertaken Supply Chain management plan introduced Aims / objectives established (e.g. reduced noise, improved journey times / turnaround of stock / fuel economy / emissions, air quality) 9
Progress pre QDDS The Wandsworth Trial (2007) – findings / results Journey times reduced from depot to store (return) by 60 minutes per trip Drivers hours saving of over 700 hours per year Removal of 2 journeys during peak hours equating to over 700 vehicle journeys per year A CO2 saving of 68 tonnes per year A fuel saving of over 25,000 litres per year Positive feedback from customers as regards product availability No complaints received during the trial in relation to noise issues 10
The QDDS Project What is QDDS? A Department for Transport (DfT) backed scheme to investigate and promote the environmental, social and operational benefits of night time deliveries Consortium consists of DfT, FTA & NAS with the scheme managed by TTR Independent noise monitoring undertaken by Transport Research Laboratory Noise Abatement Society telephone complaint helpline for local residents Vehicle emissions modelling undertaken by AEA 11
The QDDS Project When is QDDS taking place? Simple answer – NOW! DfT announced QDDS project late 2009 following formation of Consortium QDDS will run for 15 months until March 2011 Local Authority “expressions of interest” and retailer applications sought during Q1 2010 QDDS will set up, run and report on quiet delivery demonstration trials at six locations across England Case Studies / Best Practice to be submitted to DfT by end of March 2011 with conclusions / recommendations and future “roadmap” 12
The QDDS Project Why is QDDS taking place? To improve round trip journey times To reduce vehicle turnaround times at stores To reduce fuel consumption from less time spent stationary, idling in congestion To improve shift productivity from both drivers and vehicles To increase product availability within store To lessen conflict between deliveries and customers on the shop floor To introduce management controls for noise minimisation To ensure effective partnership working between retailer / local authority 13
The QDDS Project Where is QDDS taking place? Six demonstration trials to be set up in England to involve relaxation of restrictions at selected retail sites for a specific time period during which “quiet deliveries” will be permitted and closely monitored A first trial has already been completed (Sainsburys & Bournemouth Borough Council) Two further trials currently taking place A fourth trial to be up and running in October Trials 5 and 6 in the pipeline 14
The QDDS Project How to set up / run a QDDS trial? Establishment of local trial working group involving retailer, local authority, supply chain to oversee trial and agree working practice. On going – dialogue and communication at subsequent meetings. Legacy of relationship between retailer and local authority TTR acts as independent trial facilitator Noise Abatement Society undertakes site assessments (covert / overt), offers recommendations on noise mitigation measures, and provides telephone helpline Noise monitoring undertaken on site both pre – trial and during trial by TRL 15
What happens next? Next steps Production of final QDDS report / case studies / field guide in March 2011 to be submitted to DfT with details of QDDS trials, associated site assessments / noise reports, listing conclusions and recommendations Review by DfT with possible regulatory / non regulatory implications (e.g. review of existing planning conditions) Continuation of pilot trials as a result of partnership process between local authority / retailer QDDS template to be used for possible further trials 16
Quiet Deliveries Demonstration Scheme Thanks for listening
ANNUAL SUSTAINABLE MOBILITY CONFERENCE Tuesday 21st September 2010 – London 18