DART: Drivers, Design, Dimensions, Demonstrators and Deliverables


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Presentation transcript:

DART: Drivers, Design, Dimensions, Demonstrators and Deliverables Dr Andrew Treloar DART Project Architect ARROW Technical Architect Director, Information Management and Strategic Planning, ITS, Monash University

But first, a word from our sponsors… The DART project has been funded by the Australian Commonwealth Department of Education, Science and Training through to the end of 2006. The funding has been provided through the Systemic Infrastructure Initiative as part of the Commonwealth Government's Backing Australia's Ability - An Innovation Action Plan for the Future.

DART Drivers

Grid 5 Virtual Learning Environment Digital Library E-Experimentation E-Scientists Entire E-Science Cycle Encompassing experimentation, analysis, publication, research, learning 5 Institutional Archive Local Web Publisher Holdings Digital Library Graduate Students Undergraduate Students Virtual Learning Environment E-Experimentation Technical Reports Reprints Peer-Reviewed Journal & Conference Papers Preprints & Metadata Certified Experimental Results & Analyses Data, Metadata & Ontologies Source: Liz Lyon, eBank UK Presentation

Theoretical Framework: Pathways Model http://www.infosci.cornell.edu/pathways/ Reconceptualises units of communication and processes of communication Non-vertically-integrated value chain perspective on scholarly communication Van de Sompel, et. al. (2004), “Rethinking Scholarly Communication: Building the System that Scholars Deserve”, DLib Magazine, V10, N4 http://www.dlib.org/dlib/september04/vandesompel/09vandesompel.html

Pathways Functions DART: Research Process Registration allows claims of precedence for a scholarly finding Certification establishes the validity of a registered scholarly claim Awareness allows actors in the scholarly system to remain aware of new claims and findings Archiving preserves the scholarly record over time Rewarding rewards actors based on metrics derived from communication system. DART: Annotation

DART Benefits (modified Pathways model)

DART Design

DART Overview Co-ordinated programme of e-Research requirements analysis, software development, policy and guideline creation and prototyping to investigate how best to deal with large data sets infrastructural issues deposit, access, and annotation intellectual property concerns next-generation methods for research publication and access

Design Criteria Initially: Identify best-of-breed solutions in each candidate area Standards-based Open-source wherever possible Leverage existing work and expertise Don’t re-invent the wheel Later, identify common frameworks for Security Network transport Integration

DART Dimensions

DART Dimensions $A3.23 million 3 partners (Monash - Principal Institution, JCU, UQ) 12 months Ends in Dec 2006 27 Separate work packages Data Collection, Monitoring and Quality Assurance (DMQ) Annotation and Assessment (AA) Storage and Interoperability (SI) Content and Rights (CR) Discovery and Access (DA) 40 staff

Seven DART Chief Investigators Andrew Treloar Asad Khan David Abramson Ann Monotti 6 WPs 4 WPs 2 WPs 1 WP Jane Hunter Xiaofang Zhou 6 WPs 3 WPs Ian Atkinson 5 WPs

DART Demonstrators

DART Demonstrators Designed to show value of the end-to-end DART lifecycle approach: Identify researchers Specify realistic activity sequences Embed Information Management specialists in the research teams Construct iterative DART prototypes Progressively refine prototypes as DART delivers increased functionality Design customized DART portals for each discipline

DART Deliverables

DART Deliverables By end of 2006 DART aims to deliver: Working proof-of-concept software in each of the work package areas Clear understanding of how to turn this proof-of-concept functionality into robust production systems Feedback from demonstrator researchers about the value of the DART integrated lifecycle approach Reports detailing recommended best practice in a number of areas

Acknowledgements: Questions? J U C Q U Without the hard work of all these people, DART just wouldn’t happen! J C U U Q Questions? Andrew.Treloar@ its.monash.edu.au 03 990 51138 M U