Housing Student Conduct Staff Keener Scott, Associate Director for Staff Development and Student Conduct Kathryn Hall, Senior Coordinator for Staff Development and Student Conduct Sita Chandra, Graduate Resident for Staff Development and Student Conduct SDSC Office • Creswell Hall (North) • 706.542.8191
Student Conduct Discussion Who has heard student conduct cases? What should our philosophy be with regard to student conduct in our residence halls? How do you balance your advocacy for students with upholding community standards?
Philosophy University Housing University Housing provides comfortable, affordable and secure on-campus housing options in residential communities where the academic success and personal growth of residents are encouraged and supported. Student Conduct Enhance the learning environment: Educate students about rights, responsibilities and expectations Conduct a fair process Provide opportunities for learning and leadership development Deliver outreach services
Code of Conduct https://conduct.uga.edu/uploads/docs/Code_of_Conduct_(revised_2016.07.01).pdf Defines the University’s expectations for behavior & outlines the conduct process when alleged violations occur Code of Conduct possible violations are heard by the Office of Student Conduct in Memorial Hall Students are held to the Code of Conduct off campus as well as on campus.
University Housing Community Guide https://housing.uga.edu/uploads/documents/community_guide_2016-2017.pdf Defines University Housing’s expectations for behavior within the residence halls and informs students that they will be referred through the student conduct process when alleged violations of housing policies occur.
Community Guide Violations Possible or alleged violations of the policies outlined in University Housing’s Community Guide may result in meetings where documented students talk with a staff member in Residential Programs and Services.
Residential Policy Review Incident is documented Documentation is entered into Advocate by a resident assistant or C.L.A.S.S. advocate Area/Senior Coordinator reviews incident documentation Area /Senior Coordinator determines if a housing policy as outline in our Community Guide may have been violated Area/Senior Coordinator assigns a conduct officer (AC, SC, RHD or GR) to meet with the student(s) – Residential Policy Review (RPR)
Residential Policy Review Student is notified of the meeting and possible housing policy violation by a Notice to Appear (NTA) letter via the student’s UGA email Student arranges meeting - Residential Policy Review – RPR During the RPR meeting, the conduct officer shares documented information with the student and provides the student with the opportunity to share information about the incident
Residential Policy Review If the conduct officer does not find enough information to move forward, the case is resolved through No Action and the student will receive a Not in Violation letter If the conduct officer finds enough information to move forward with any of the alleged housing policy violations, the case is resolved during a RPR meeting or sent to the Community Standards Board (CSB) If the student accepts responsibility for the policy violation, then a Notice of Decision is issued to resolve the case The student may request their case be heard by the Community Standards Board (CSB)
Residential Policy Review (RPR) Protocols Designed to guide Residential Policy Reviews and to give a step by step outline of how to document the RPR in RPR Protocol is on the staff website https://housing.uga.edu/staff/staff_staff_conductprotocols Review these carefully, send Kathryn Hall any questions or concerns Follow RPR protocol consistently
RPR SANCTIONS Community Service University Policies Reprimand Follow-up Meeting – actually must be a separate meeting Writing Assignment Reflection Paper Research Paper Career Focused Reflection Core Values Reflection Letter of Explanation (Apology) – this should come to you. You can decide if you forward it to the victim
Community Standards Board The primary purpose of the CSB is to educate residents about residence hall policies while encouraging students to consider what it means to be responsible members of their residence hall community and be accountable for their actions. CSB members meet with residents to determine whether or not a violation of University Housing policies has occurred and deliberate appropriate educational sanctions.
Community Standards Board CSB enables residents to have a voice in their community. Sita Chandra is the graduate advisor for CSB CSB will engage in outreach activities in our first year communities this year
Training Requirements for GRs All GRs are eligible to meet with student for RPRs; GRs will be assigned RPR cases in their duty area. GRs must first observe 2 RPR meetings held by an AC/SC/RHD GRs must be observed in their first RPR by an AC/RHD GRs should meet these requirements early in the fall semester so they can contribute to the management of RPR cases throughout the year, as well as develop their conduct management skills
What’s Next? Training for new DI/GRs Attend the Advocate Quick Entry and Documenting Incidents training sessions offered on August 2, 2016 Thursday, August 25th 4 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. SDSC Conference Room OR Friday, August 26th 3 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. SDSC Conference Room All CA-RA staff will have entry access to Advocate by Saturday, July 30, 2016. GRs will have access on Wednesday, August 24, 2016.
All DI/GRs Must complete FERPA Certification by Wednesday, August 10, 2016. email will go out on Thursday, July 28, 2016. FERPA Protect the privacy of student education records. Establish the right of students to inspect and review their education records. Provide guidelines for the correction of inaccurate and misleading information.
All DI/GRs Must attend the Non-Discrimination and Anti- Harassment (NDAH) Policy and Sexual Misconduct Policy Training on Tuesday, August 2, 2016 during CA- RA Training