Biogeochemical Cycles


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Presentation transcript:

Biogeochemical Cycles 9/26/16 Biogeochemical Cycles Objective: I will describe the processes involved in several biogeochemical cycles on Earth. Page 15

What words do you know that include the word “cycle”? What does the word “cycle” mean?

Cycles on Earth reservoir- a place where matter or energy is stored cycle- group of processes in which matter and energy move through a series of reservoirs Length of time spent in each reservoir can vary from hours to millions of years

Nitrogen Cycle nitrogen is used to build the proteins that build cells vital for all life on Earth nitrogen moves from the air to soil, from soil to plants and animals, and back to air again

Identify two nitrogen reservoirs in the cycle. Atmosphere Animals Soil Plants

Carbon Cycle Carbon moves through Earth’s spheres through the carbon cycle Short-term: Plants convert CO2, from the atmosphere into O2 through photosynthesis Organisms release CO2 back into the atmosphere through respiration Long-term: carbon is stored in the geosphere in a type of rock called a carbonate

Water Cycle movement of water from the atmosphere to Earth’s surface and back to the atmosphere Evaporation, condensation, precipitation, and transpiration