British Literature Monday October 31, 2016 Day 60 ACTIVATOR: (4-6 sentences, S.E.E.D. format) Is it better to live in the country or in the city? Why…? ACTIVITIES: Discuss One – Pager Vocabulary unit 6 – collect & share stories (15 words, 2 appositives + bat, grenade, skateboard) Introduce Renaissance Poetry Notes… - The Shakespearean sonnet, Spenser and Donne, Marlowe - read sonnets 73 & 138 4. Last 10 Silent Reading SUMMARIZER: - What is an example of satire from our time?
Renaissance Poetry Sonnets Pastoral Poetry Psalms/religious poems
Sonnets Sonnets originated in Italy. The idea spilled over into France & Spain. Finally it reached England. Petrarch’s love poetry to Laura originated the sonnet.
Sonnets One of the most popular literary forms during the Elizabethan Age was the sonnet cycle. A cycle is a series of sonnets that loosely fit together to form a story.
Sonnets Fourteen lines Usually in iambic pentameter Rhyme scheme can vary Tell the tale of the sonneteer’s love for a beautiful and frequently unattainable woman.
Pertrarchan Sonnets The women of sonnets were as frustrating as they were inspiring Each poem tried to unravel another knot in a confusing love relationship
Petrarchan Sonnets First eight lines (octet) – develop a theme or problem Last six lines (sestet) – formulate some sort of solution to or final analysis of the problem Rhyme scheme: abba, abba, cdecde
English Sonnets Shakespeare adopted and perfected his own sonnet style. The Elizabethan sonnet now bears his name: – Shakespearean sonnet.
Shakespearean Sonnets First twelve lines divided into quatrains Ask a question or present a thought Last two lines a couplet Answer the question or resolve the thought Rhyme scheme: abab, cdcd, efef, gg
English Sonnets The first of the great Elizabethan sonnet cycles was Astrophel and Stella by Sir Philip Sydney. Another major poet of this time was Edmund Spencer, who wrote intricate verse with rich imagery.
Spenserian Sonnets In a sonnet sequence, the one hundred or so sonnets are linked by theme or person addressed. To connect 100 or more poems without growing dull, writers used a basic fictional situation: The speaker of the sequence is in love His love is unfulfilled Rhyme scheme: abab, bcbc, cdcdee
Pastoral Poetry Lyrics that celebrate the pleasures of a simple life in the country. Renaissance poets use a number of traditional conventions borrowed from ancient Greek and Roman poetry. One example: making the speaker a Shepard who addresses or describes a Shepardess whom he is in love and presenting an idealized world of nature.
Pastoral Poetry Christopher Marlowe is a well-known playwright (DR. FAUSTUS) and was also a pastoral poet. Famous poem: “The Passionate Shepard to His Love” It has inspired a number of responses to the invitation issued in the poem. The most famous response was written by Sir Walter Raleigh in 1600: “The Nymph’s Reply to the Shepard.”
Scripture as poetry Psalms – sacred songs or lyric poems in praise of God. The Old Testament’s Book of Psalms contains 150 such pieces. Psalms may feature vivid, memorable metaphors.
British Literature Tuesday November 1, 2016 Day 61 ACTIVATOR: (Grab NEW calendar from front table!) Complete a 3-category chart using unit 6 voc. words that have something in common (label categories you create) ACTIVITIES: Vocabulary unit 6 review (QUIZ tomorrow) Discuss Shakespearean and Petrarchan Sonnets - sonnet 73 & 138 - sonnet 164 and “Death be not Proud” Last 10 Silent Reading SUMMARIZER: - What is an example of satire from our time?
British Literature Wednesday November 2, 2016 Day 62 ACTIVATOR: Complete a One-Pager for article on front table… ACTIVITIES: Discuss One-Pager… Vocabulary unit 6 Quiz today Write your OWN Shakespearean Sonnet! - due tomorrow (use handout for structure) Last 10 Silent Reading SUMMARIZER: - What is an example of satire from our time?
British Literature Thursday November 3, 2016 Day 63 ACTIVATOR: complete the active / passive voice worksheet from front table ACTIVITIES: Discuss grammar / writing worksheet Turn in / Share sonnets! Read “Passionate Shepherd…” (pg. 266) Read “Nymph’s Reply…” (pg. 268) Last 10 Silent Reading SUMMARIZER: - What is an example of satire from our time?
British Literature Friday November 4, 2016 Day 64 ACTIVATOR: complete the parallel structure worksheet from front table ACTIVITIES: Discuss writing / grammar activity QUIZ over renaissance poetry Read 464-475 in text (Restoration & 18th century) - summarize into 15 facts (to turn in) Last 10 Silent Reading SUMMARIZER: - What is an example of satire from our time?