Beginner Publisher
How to start Publisher There are 2 ways to start Publisher: Double click on the desktop icon Go through the start menu, Microsoft office folder, publisher (single click)
First screen The first screen can be daunting. The thing to remember is “what are you wanting to do?” Do you need a template to help you? Do you just want to do your own thing?
Own thing Double click on the “blank page sizes” folder
For most things here at TCS, you will be using A4 sizes For most things here at TCS, you will be using A4 sizes. Either landscape or portrait. Double click on the A4 (portrait) for today.
The next screen looks like this. Click on this X Drop down arrow: fit page width The next screen looks like this. To make it easier to see, do the following: CLICK on the X marked above Then go and change the view: drop down the box and choose “fit page width”
Should look like this.
To change the margins, click on the “arrange” drop down thing The blue line shows where the default margins are set. This blue line won’t show on your printed work, it is a guideline only. To change the margins, click on the “arrange” drop down thing Click on layout
This box will appear. Here you choose what you want the margins to be. Personally I pick 1cm margins. This fits all the printers and uses most of the paper. For media services purposes, the margins need to be set to 2.5cm. The easiest way is to use the arrows to go up and down ¼ cm increments.
Titles So now you are ready to begin To put in a title, click on the funny “A” on the left hand side. You can then choose the style you like and double click on it
Start typing in what you want, you don’t need to highlight anything, its already done for you. You can change the size and font from here just like word: Click OK when you have finished
You can move the heading to where you want it by just dragging and dropping using your mouse. You can make it bigger or smaller by using the “dots” in the corners. If you don’t like the shape of the text, or if you have noticed a typo, use the box that is there to change what you need. If you change your mind later, double click on the title and you can change it then.
Text box This is the biggest problem with publisher. You can’t just start typing like Word. You have to make a text box. To do this, click on the A with lines. You will then get a t shape pointer, this can then be dragged out to the size you want
You can change this to suit you. When you click in the box, you will see that the default is “Times New Roman” size 10. You can change this to suit you. HINT: if you want to use the same format throughout the publication, do the following. Once you are happy with the font and size etc. Click on the normal drop down, it will change colour. I type in the letter :a and hit enter. A new box will come up and ask you if you are happy with the choices, click OK. This saves you having to change everything from scratch each time
So now when you open a text box in this publication, you just type in “a” and enter in that box at the top, and it will automatically change the box into your preferences.