ISPAQ: IRIS System for Portable Assessment of Quality Dr. Mary Templeton IRIS Data Management Center Managing Data from Seismic Networks August 20-26, 2017 Pretoria, South Africa
What is ISPAQ? A python program that can calculate most MUSTANG metrics for data not archived at IRIS Data Services (Seattle), or Metrics calculations for local files assumes day-long files archived at any FSDN data center (including Seattle) runs under MacOS Linux MUSTANG only runs on data in Seattle When using local files, if data ends prior to the day boundary, completeness metrics will report a final gap and <100 percent_availability ISPAQ doesn’t run under Windows ”Data” refers to both time series and metadata – either can be from local files or from an FDSN data center
How Do I Get ISPAQ? To download ISPAQ To install ISPAQ Install the git software on your machine ( Type git clone To install ISPAQ Follow the instructions in the README file README.html arrives when your “git clone …”
Running ISPAQ Command line (great for scripting) ./ -M percent_availability,num_gaps,max_gaps (metrics to run) -S AT06.XL..HH* (stations, networks, locations and channels to process) --sncl_format S.N.L.C (order for –S argument) --dataselect_url ./mydata (location of files or FDSN data center name) --csv_dir ./measurements (output directory for CSV files) --starttime 2015-001 --endtime 2015-008 2 ways to run ISPAQ depending on your needs Here –dataselect_url is pointing to local files ISPAQ writes the results of these metrics as CSV files
Running ISPAQ The possibilities (a LOT!) ./ -h Nearly anything can be specified on the command line
ISPAQ Preference Files Assigns nicknames to command-line options cat preference_files/metprefs.txt nickname Using nicknames creates a more compact command. ISPAQ comes with a default.txt preference file which shows how you can get the most from a preferences file
Running ISPAQ With a preference file (simplifies typing) ./ -P preference_files/metprefs.txt (preference file name) -M completeness -S local --starttime 2015-001 --endtime 2015-031 Preference files help save typing on the command line (see –M, -S) Because changing parameters requires editing a file, they aren’t a good choice for batch processing You can use command line flags and preference files together; command line flags will override preference file definitions
ISPAQ Output Metrics values(CSV) PSD frequency-power values (CSV) PDF plots (PNG) ISPAQ creates CSV files to hold most metrics results, including text versions of PSD curves and PDF data Once the text version of the PDF file has been created, ISPAQ can also make PNG plots of PDFs