Future trends Cities of tomorrow May 2016
INFRASTRUCTURE – A CORE ELEMENT OF FUTURE PLANNNING Voters think it will change their lives for the better www.oma.org.au info@oma.org.au Slide Source: Future Cities Changing Populations, presented by John Utting, Founder & Director, UMR Research
PLACEMAKING – CITIES AND THEIR NEIGHBOURHOODS Creating places where people want to work, live and play www.oma.org.au info@oma.org.au Slide Source: Future Cities Placemaking… is there a role for regulation? Presented by Brendan Nelson President, Planning Institute of Australia
CONNECTIVITY AND FUNCTIONALITY DRIVING THINKING Cities and planning will become more about connecting different areas The Past – centralised to a CBD Future – functionality of the area “Functionality is based on how we use space e.g. infrastructure, technology, supply chains, activity nodes; whereas connectivity allows us to optimise the distribution of people and goods in and out of spaces.” Gary White www.oma.org.au info@oma.org.au Slide Source: Future Cities – The New Spatial City, presented by Gary White, NSW Chief Planner
THE INTERNET OF THINGS IN 5 YEARS Data mining and collection will enable unparallelled consumer targeting www.oma.org.au info@oma.org.au Slide Source: Future Cities – Global Megatrends, presented by Stefan Hajkowicz, Principal Scientist & Leader of CSIRO Futures
DATA – AMOUNT AND USAGE IS EXPLODING Every day the data created is equal to 4,000,000,000,000 books Enough to reach the moon and back! 3 billion people connected to the internet in 2013 Internet usage www.oma.org.au info@oma.org.au Slide Source: Future Cities – Global Megatrends, presented by Stefan Hajkowicz, PhD from the CSIRO Image Source: vcloudnews.com
A QUICK GUIDE TO DATA SIZES One Quintillion bytes equals One Exabyte … www.oma.org.au info@oma.org.au Image Source: vcloudnews.com
WORKING SMARTER, NOT WORKING HARDER Buying and selling media will change with technology www.oma.org.au info@oma.org.au Slide Source: Future Cities – Global Megatrends, presented by Stefan Hajkowicz, Principal Scientist & Leader of CSIRO Futures
Things are changing in the real world faster than ever before COLLABORATION IS KEY Things are changing in the real world faster than ever before www.oma.org.au info@oma.org.au Slide Source: Future Cities – Global Megatrends, presented by Stefan Hajkowicz, Principal Scientist & Leader of CSIRO Futures
Our future cities will be driven by innovation CONCLUSION Our future cities will be driven by innovation www.oma.org.au info@oma.org.au Slide Source: Future Cities – Global Megatrends, presented by Stefan Hajkowicz, Principal Scientist & Leader of CSIRO Futures