Zebras are Awesome
Zebra Classification Scientific name: Eguus Quagga Zebras are warm-blooded Zebras are vertebrates
Where zebras live!!! Zebras live in the African Savanna, the Serengeti, and the Eastern and Southern African. Serengeti-migrate for rainy season Plains-Dry season to eat grass They go from Tanzania, Serengeti, to the North Kenya. They travel to about 1,800 miles.
Zebra kicking to defend himself
Territory Tidbits Zebras start eating grass at a few weeks old Drink mothers’ milk for at least 8 months Unlike other animals, Zebras need to drink water everyday
Body Structure
Body Structure Scientists aren’t 100% sure why zebras have stripes. When a animal looks at a zebra when it is running, all they see is a blur. Stripes keep zebras cool in the sun. The foal must memorize the mom’s stripes. This is called imprinting.
Zebra Life Cycle Zebras give birth almost every twelve mounths 50% of the foals die from predators, starvation, and disease Foals stay with their mother for 2 to 3 years The young male join a bachelor herd until they are 3 to 6 years old Average life span is 25 years
Zebra butt
Fast Facts About Zebras Zebras are herbivores. they’re size is 3.6-4.8 feet at the shoulder They weight up to 770 pounds No two zebra have the same stripe Speed and kicks are a zebras best defense
RESOURCES http://animals.nationalgeographic.com/animals http://www.awf.org/wildlifes/151 http://www.zooatlanta.org/home/animals/mammals Zebras by Katherine Noble-Goodman