TAIGA -or- NEEDLE LEAF FOREST 1) DEFINITION: Comprised of trees with needles (such as pine, spruce, fir & cedar), which produce cones. Found in Northern regions of North America, Asia & Europe. 2) EXAMPLE LOCATION: British Columbia in North America & Northern Finland 3) CLIMATE ZONE FOUND: Upper Temperate & Lower Polar
TROPICAL GRASSLAND -or- SAVANNA 1) DEFINITION: Tropical, flat, grassy with few trees. Hot all year with a wet season and a dry season 2) EXAMPLE LOCATION: Serengeti Plain in Africa 3) CLIMATE ZONE: Tropical
TEMPERATE GRASSLAND -or- STEPPE 1) DEFINITION: Vast, treeless prairie. Plains good for grazing herd animals. Has all four seasons. 2) EXAMPLE LOCATIONS: Great Plains of North America & Central Asia 3) CLIMATE ZONE: Temperate
DESERT 1) DEFINITION: Plants are specially adapted to live in a dry climate by conserving water and withstanding extreme heat 2) EXAMPLE LOCATIONS: Namib in Africa & Sonora of North America 3) CLIMATE ZONE: Tropical & Temperate
TROPICAL RAIN FOREST 1) DEFINITION: located in the tropical zone, covered with a heavy concentration of broad-leafed trees, which stay green throughout the year. 2) EXAMPLE LOCATION: Amazon Basin in South America & Congo Basin of Africa 3) CLIMATE ZONE: Tropical
TEMPERATE BROAD LEAFED FOREST 1) DEFINITION: Large stands of trees that shed their leaves at least once a year; only located in the Northern Hemisphere 2) EXAMPLE LOCATION: Appalachian Mountains of North America 3) CLIMATE ZONE: Temperate
TUNDRA 1) DEFINITION: Very little precipitation; subsoil always frozen; short cool summers; because of limited sunlight, plants grow close to the ground to survive in a cold, dry climate. 2) EXAMPLE LOCATIONS: Far Northern Areas of Europe & North America 3) CLIMATE ZONE: Polar