Standards and Conformity Assessment Bodies - Canada IAAC PAC ILAC IAF APLAC COPANT ISO JTC1 WTO/TBT ITU Codex Inquiry point IEC WTO/SPS SCC Standard Council of Canada Industry Canada Health Canada CNRC Accredited SDOs Accredited Management System Certifiers Accredited Inspection Bodies Accredited Product Certifiers TSACC Measurement Canada BNQ CGSB CSA ULC OIML Accredited Personnel Certifiers Accredited Laboratories Accredited Auditor Course Providers APLMF INMS NINT APMP BIPM Regional Government International Non-Government
Standards and Conformity Assessment Bodies - Canada Standard Council of Canada (SCC) A federal Crown corporation with the mandate to promote efficient and effective standardization The Bureau de normalisation du Québec (BNQ) A member organization of the National Standards System of Canada and operates in the fields of Standards development, the product, process, service and person Certification, the system registration of quality and environmental management systems. Canadian General Standards Board (CGSB) An organization of the Government of Canada, offers Standards Development services, Certification and Qualification Programs and Management Systems Programs Canadian Standards Association (CSA) A non-profit membership-based association accredited by SCC as one of nationally accredited SDOs Underwriters’ Laboratories of Canada (ULC) An independent, not-for-profit product safety testing and certification organization
Standards and Conformity Assessment Bodies - Canada Industry Canada Measurement Canada Administers and enforces the Electricity and Gas Inspection Act and the Weights and Measures Act through the exclusive constitutional authority of the Government of Canada Telecommunications Standards Advisory Council of Canada (TSACC) An industry-government partnership formed in 1991 to develop strategic directions for standardization in the Information Technology and Telecommunications (IT&T) sectors. National Research Council Canada the Government of Canada's premier organization for research and development Institute for National Measurement Standards Canada’s national metrology institute (NMI). In accordance with the National Research Council Act, it is charged with the responsibility to investigate and determine standards and methods of measurement National Institute for Nanotechnology (NINT) Operated as a partnership between the National Research Council and the University of Alberta, and is jointly funded by the Government of Canada, the Government of Alberta and the university
Standards and Conformity Assessment Bodies - Canada Note: The information contained in this presentation was compiled by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) in collaboration with its public and private sector members and also with its international partners. The primary purpose of the chart is to attempt to portray, in high-level, block diagram form, the entities of the standards and conformity assessment systems of the particular economy and their primary inter-relationships and relationships to international and regional organizations – all on one slide. While many organizations have many subdivisions, only those subdivisions most directly related to standards and conformity assessment are shown. The chart is one perspective of the systems, with emphasis on identification and representation of the various entities. The chart would look different if the entities were drawn proportional to their relative work volumes in the systems, or if they were drawn proportional to their respective standards and conformity assessment revenues or budgets. Such a representation will have inaccuracies which will require correction. The chart is a work in progress and we welcome comments and suggestions for consistent improvement for purposes of accuracy and education. Please feel free to reference the information contained in this presentation. We just ask that you please attribute ANSI as the source. Thank you, The ANSI International Policy Department Please send comments or suggestions to: