A Philippine Animation Film Company?
An Adult and Young Adult Animated Film
Total Lifetime Grosses 2007 Domestic: $183,135,014 34.7% Foreign $343,936,008 65.3% Worldwide: $527,071,022 In 2016 Dollars $626,249,089
Industry World Wide Distributor Revenues Projected 2014 $ in millions* U.S. Theatrical Release $6,701 19.3% Home Video $15,961 45.9% Broadcast Networks $375 1.1% Syndicated Television $227 0.7% Pay Television $3,227 9.3% Basic Cable $4,316 12.4% Merchandising/Licensing $1,602 4.6% PPV/DBS/VOD $2,266 6.5% Hotel/Airlines/Other $131 0.4% $34,806 100.0% Foreign Theatrical $8,459 22.1% $17,666 46.2% Network TV, Syndication $4,637 12.1% $4,128 10.8% $2,389 6.2% $960 2.5% $38,239 World Distributor Revenue $73,045 * Source: Filmmakers and Financing Louise Levinson, Table 4.3., pg 75. Source Kagan Research
Industry World Wide Distributor Revenues Projected 2014 $ in millions* U.S. Theatrical Gross $13,402 50% Distributor Share $6,701 19.3% Home Video $15,961 45.9% Broadcast Networks $375 1.1% Syndicated Television $227 0.7% Pay Television $3,227 9.3% Basic Cable $4,316 12.4% Merchandising/Licensing $1,602 4.6% PPV/DBS/VOD $2,266 6.5% Hotel/Airlines/Other $131 0.4% $34,806 100.0% Foreign Theatrical Gross $16,908 $8,459 22.1% $17,666 46.2% Network TV, Syndication $4,637 12.1% $4,128 10.8% $2,389 6.2% $960 2.5% $38,239 World Distributor Revenue $73,045 * Source: Filmmakers and Financing, Louise Levinson, Table 4.3., pg 75. Source Kagan Research
Rock Dog Distributor Revenues #87 Box Office Mojo 2017 Animated U.S. Theatrical Gross $9,420,546 50% Distributor Share $4,710,273 19.3% Home Video $11,219,321 45.9% Broadcast Networks $263,595 1.1% Syndicated Television $159,563 0.7% Pay Television $2,268,326 9.3% Basic Cable $3,033,807 12.4% Merchandising/Licensing $1,126,079 4.6% PPV/DBS/VOD $1,592,819 6.5% Hotel/Airlines/Other $92,083 0.4% $24,465,865 100.0% Foreign Theatrical Gross Not Available $0 22.1% 46.2% Network TV, Syndication 12.1% 10.8% 6.2% 2.5% World Distributor Revenue * Source: Filmmakers and Financing, Louise Levinson, Table 4.3., pg 75. Source Kagan Research
World Wide Distributor Revenues The Simpson's Movie 2007 World Wide Distributor Revenues U.S. Theatrical Gross $183,135,014 50% Distributor Share $91,567,507 19.3% Home Video $218,103,116 45.9% Broadcast Networks $5,124,282 1.1% Syndicated Television $3,101,899 0.7% Pay Television $44,096,157 9.3% Basic Cable $58,977,072 12.4% Merchandising/Licensing $21,890,934 4.6% PPV/DBS/VOD $30,964,329 6.5% Hotel/Airlines/Other $1,790,083 0.4% $475,615,378 100.0% Foreign Theatrical Gross $343,936,008 $171,968,004 22.1% $359,142,542 46.2% Network TV, Syndication $94,268,310 12.1% $83,920,549 10.8% $48,567,391 6.2% $19,516,407 2.5% $777,383,202 World Distributor Revenue $1,252,998,580 * Source: Filmmakers and Financing, Louise Levinson, Table 4.3., pg 75. Source Kagan Research
Theatrical Revenue U.S. and Foreign Simpsons’ Total Revenue $1,252,998,580
First appearance Steamboat Willie November 18, 1928
Kay Kamen was largely responsible for Disney merchandising in the 1930s. A 1933 Ingersoll watch. Sold at the Century of Progress in Chicago, 1933 for $3.75 ($70.66 ) Current value $1,295
Copyright. Made in Germany by Distler, c. 1930. Current value $27,830.00 40% of Disney's revenues for consumer products are derived from Mickey Mouse. Copyright.
Possibilities Youth Action Adventure Romance & Adventure Adult/Young Adult Classic Movie Remakes
Genre: Action Adventure Recognized Story Expired copyright Never an animated film Target at young market Merchandizing
Genre: Musical Comedy Romantic story Action Adventure “meeting of South Pacific and Flower Drum Song.” China Merchandizing Trailer
Genre: Historical Drama War Story Espionage Personal drama Merchandizing $$$$$
Genre: Musical Comedy “…every song is a gem.” $300,000 for animation+ Merchandizing? Distribution? Trailer Client Service Choreography Upper East Side Blues
Choreography for Animators Dancing Lemons Choreography for Animators
Research conducted at Giordano’s Boston and NYC Theaters among patrons leaving a production.
Research conducted at Giordano’s Boston and NYC Theaters among patrons leaving a production.
Creators Contribute Animators Contribute Distributors Rights to a Property Script Dialogue Tape Musical Tape (if necessary) Storyboard (still pictures to sound) Animators Contribute Animated full length film Distributors Major film companies Independents
Revenue U.S. and Foreign
Theatrical Revenue U.S. and Foreign Simpsons Total Revenue $1,252,998,580 X 20% $250,599,716
Genre: Musical Comedy Classic Movie Merchandizing Use remastered sound track
A Philippine Animation Film Company Animation capabilities Reasonable capital required Knowledge of film industry Source of creative content?
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