Art Institute of Murrow
Faculty Photography Digital Sculptor Textile Designer Animator Painter Fashion Designer Fine Artist
Art Schools our students attend The Cooper Union-NYC SVA-NYC Parsons-NYC Pratt-Brooklyn RISD-Rhode Island MECA-Maine Mica-Maryland Ringling-Sarasota FIT-NYC SAIC-Chicago CCS-Detroit With over $1.5 million in scholarships yearly…from our little graduating class...not too shabby
Arts Partnerships Metropolitan Museum Brooklyn Museum New Museum Arts Connection Scholastic Arts Young Arts Random House
Professional Partnerships Ad Council Levi’s
Facility Photo lab Mac lab Sculpture/ceramics room Multi Media room Painting Studio Open studios
Administration Where other high schools have cut the arts, Murrow’s principal and Aps have maintained a steadfast support for the arts-music, theater, fine arts, and dance Dedicated AP Dedicated guidance counselor
Curriculum Sequential curriculum Foundation Freshmen (two semesters) Assessing and building skills Introduction to various media Introduction to various techniques Finished pieces Art history
Curriculum (continued) Drawing from the Figure Sophomore (first semester) Break down of the human figure into shapes and forms Gesture drawing Model drawing Building up for Advanced Painting Sculpture Sophomore (second semester) Introduction to clay Introduction to ceramic/kiln process Introduction to glaze Focus on the figure
Curriculum (continued) DOUBLED UP (two semesters) JUNIOR Advanced Painting In depth instruction in oil paint Exploration of media Exploration of themes Student chosen finished pieces Advanced Studio Mixed media Numerous demos with various tools and materials such as: Wood burning Embroidery Sculpey Knitting Fiber art
Curriculum (continued) Portfolio Development Senior (first semester) Self directed Students are individually assessed. Each student creates a plan for themselves Students are given problems to solve in the media, size, type of their choice Two sections 1. Students interested in completing the program and applying to schools using a portfolio as a supplement 2. Students applying to art schools Art History Senior (second semester) Survey of western art history Preparation for there year art comprehensive exam This exam can take the place of the mandatory foreign language exam
National Art Honor Society Fundraising Opportunities in and out of the building Students create their very own Art Institute Yearbook
Exhibition Opportunities Exhibit at our annual Open Studio Participate in pop up shops Exhibit in our annual art show
The Art Institute is part of the larger community of Murrow Musical Theatre The Magnet Publication – published student poetry and short stories The Writer’s Institute - partnering with published authors Concepts in law, Moot Court and Mock Trial (Partnering with the law firm Wiel, Gotshal & Mangel LLP) In-House Screened Dance Program Five languages – Spanish, Italian, French, Russian and Mandarin. All sequences end in an AP and/or Regents exam Virtual Enterprise and Business courses CTE Clubs, clubs, clubs!
Parent Involvement MAP-Murrow Art Patrons Raise money for shows Raffles Scholarships for graduating seniors Filling in money gaps
Art Show Highlights Food Art
Embroidery Art
Senior Thesis
Applying to the Art Institute Your guidance counselor must register you on SEMS. Put the program you are auditioning for on your high school application as one of your options: Fine and Visual Arts: K57K Students can apply to multiple programs and audition on for more than one program. If you apply for more than one of our screened programs, please come to the art audition as it is a timed audition.
Audition Day On your appointed date and time come to Murrow’s main entrance on East 17th street. Make sure you have your portfolio, pencils and an eraser with you (if you forget, don’t worry, we have extra supplies!) In the lobby sign in If your name is not on the list, don’t panic You will sign a sheet and you will let your parents know that your counselor may not have added you to SEMS You will be asked to line up and you will be escorted to the room you will be auditioning in Parents may wait in the cafeteria or leave for an hour and a half
Art Audition Portfolio Criteria Admission to the Art Institute is determined by demonstrated skills and aptitudes as evaluated at an audition, as well as a review of a portfolio of six art works brought at that time. The student’s academic and attendance record are taken into consideration as well. To be eligible for an audition, an applicant must be a resident of Brooklyn, currently enrolled in the 8th or 9th grade and must have applied to the Art Institute by selecting it on their high school application form and MUST show up for the audition with an art portfolio.
We would like to see the following works of art:
1.Self-Portrait (black & white or color) Do a self-portrait by looking into a mirror. Shade your portrait to make it look three-dimensional. Add a background if you wish.
2.Room Interior (black & white or color) Pick an interesting view of a section of a room. Your finished piece should create the illusion of three-dimensional space.
3.Still-Life (color) Set up a simple still-life that is lit from one side by either window light or artificial light. Your still-life could include two pieces of fruit, a bottle, an object such as a cup, basket, or bowl, and a draped fabric such as a dish cloth, napkin, or towel. Create an interesting arrangement with these objects. Be sure to use the entire space of the page. Shade the objects to make them look three-dimensional. Complete this work in a color medium of your choice (such as cray-pas, pastels, paint, or colored pencils).
Your other 3 portfolio pieces are your choice. Do not include art works copied from other artists or photographs. The work you include should be high quality works that show your skill in drawing, composition, imagination, and use of the medium. They should indicate that time and effort was put into their creation. You may bring digital work including a flashdrive with any animations, movies, etc.
Photography is ok but not too many!
Suggestions for the Portfolio It is recommended that all art works be no smaller than 9”x12”. All your work should be in a portfolio of some kind (a folder or envelope is acceptable). Each work of art must also have your name and school printed on the back.
Please be mindful of presentation. NEATNESS COUNTS!!!!! Make sure work is presentable, wrinkle and crinkle free. Portfolios will be reviewed on the premises and returned to students before leaving the testing room. Every student should bring pencils, erasers and any other media they might use.
WHAT WE WILL BE DOING DURING THE AUDITIONS Your children will come in, sit down and be welcomed Each student is given a number. Each seat has a short questionnaire. Applicants fill in the information on the front page in ink. We explain that their portfolios will be evaluated and they will be interviewed while they fill in the questionnaire and do the essay (I’ll get to the essay in a minute) and as they draw. Students are given directions about what they will be drawing. (I will show you examples in a moment). They have ample time for two drawings while portfolio evaluations and interviews are happening. If they need more time, we will provide them with more time. The applicants will be asked to write an essay comparing two works of art which we display for them with the name of the work, the artist and the year. They have to consider: Use of color to create mood Light and shadow Background space How the artist has portrayed the subject After the teachers evaluate each portfolio and interview each student, the proctor will return the portfolio to the student upon completion of the interview and evaluation. As students finish their audition, the will be escorted back downstairs
What they will be asked to draw Hand crushing lined paper (SHADING IS A MUST!!!) Hold paper in one hand. Do not overcrush so paper does not show. Follow the contour edges of the forms (how do the lines fold around the crushed paper) Major creases in the hand, and the holes and lines in the paper be included. Shade at least the hand to make it look three dimensional. Use the entire space of their page. The drawing should be at least life size.
The Figure Next we will position 2 of our own students in the room on stools or chairs so that the applicants can draw the figure. The proctors will indicate the placement of the figure on the page so that the entire space of the page is used. If they start too large, keep the figure in proportion to the head even if they can’t fit the entire figure on the page. The proctors may show a student example of a drawing, explain in depth or quickly draw a sample for better understanding.
Once all portfolios are reviewed and returned, each student is interviewed, all audition material is collected, your children will be released in small groups back to the entrance you came in from.
Schedule Posted on our webpage. Click on Art Institute Audition Schedule.
Good Night And Good Luck