How Mobile Phone Jammer Works
How Mobile Phone Jammer Works Introduction: The GSM mobile jammer is a device which transmits the signals to the same frequency. The jamming section is successful when the area of the mobile phone signal is disabled if the jammer is on. The first jamming device was developed and used by the military for communication purpose. Where the planed commanders use RF communication to control their power and also in enemy communications. Nowadays the mobile users are increasing day by day, hence the mobile phone jammer devices are becoming civilian by comparing with the electronic devices to disable the mobile signals in specific locations.
How Mobile Phone Jammer Works What is a Mobile Jammer? A mobile jammer is an instrument used to protect the cell phones from the receiving signal. The mobile jammer device broadcasts the signal of the same frequency to the GSM modem. The jamming is said to be successful when the mobile phone signals are disabled in a location. If the mobile jammer is enabled.
How Mobile Phone Jammer Works What is a Mobile Jammer?
How Mobile Phone Jammer Works Block Diagram of Mobile Jammer The block diagram of the mobile jammer mainly includes power supply, IF section and RF section with an antenna.
How Mobile Phone Jammer Works Block Diagram of Mobile Jammer Power Supply The power supply is used to provide the power to the entire sections in the mobile jammer with the available voltages. The basic block diagram of the power supply consists of the following parts.
How Mobile Phone Jammer Works Block Diagram of Mobile Jammer Power Supply Transformer: The transformer is used to transform the 220V AC to the other voltage levels(step up and step down). Rectification: The rectification is used to convert the AC voltage to the DC voltage and this process can be done in two methods which are full wave rectification & half wave rectification Half wave Rectification: During the half wave rectification the input signal should be positive cycle, hence the output voltage will be appearing
How Mobile Phone Jammer Works Block Diagram of Mobile Jammer Power Supply Full wave Rectification: In this type of rectifications the input signal should be in both i.e. in positive and negative cycles hence the output voltage will be appear. Filter: In this the large capacitors are used to minimize the ripples in the output. The filter is used in the output of full wave rectifier to eliminate the noise & fluctuations to provide the constant DC voltage. Regulators: The regulators are used to provide a preferred DC voltage.
How Mobile Phone Jammer Works Block Diagram of Mobile Jammer IF Section The IF section is just a triangular or saw tooth wave generator. With the help of desired range of frequencies the tuning section of the jammer brushes the VCO. To compensate the proper amount of VCO from the desired frequency to the maximum. The noise which is mixed with triangular waves is generated by the tuning signal.
How Mobile Phone Jammer Works Block Diagram of Mobile Jammer IF Section The IF section is divided into three main sections which are given below: Noise generator Mixer Triangular wave generator
How Mobile Phone Jammer Works Block Diagram of Mobile Jammer RF Section The RF section is the heart of the mobile jammer because the output of the RF section is interacting with the mobile. There are three main sections in the RF section which are voltage controlled oscillator, power amplifier and antenna. The voltage controlled oscillator is very important in the RF section and it is a device. The RF section generates the RF signal which is interacting with the cell phones.
How Mobile Phone Jammer Works Block Diagram of Mobile Jammer RF Section The VCO output frequency is directly proportion to the input voltage. We can manage the output frequency with the help of input voltage. If the input voltage is DC then the out has a specific range of frequency. We have the triangular wave form is the input then the output will be extended to the specific range of frequency.
How Mobile Phone Jammer Works Mobile Jammer Circuit Diagram The above circuit shows the mobile jammer circuit diagram. It is simple & easy to analyse. Basically the mobile jammer circuit consists of three main circuits. If the three main circuits are gathered then the output of that circuit is called as a jammer.
How Mobile Phone Jammer Works Mobile Jammer Circuit Diagram The three circuits are mentioned below RF amplifier Tuning circuit Voltage controlled oscillator
How Mobile Phone Jammer Works Mobile Jammer Circuit Diagram
How Mobile Phone Jammer Works Mobile Jammer Circuit Diagram The transistor Q1, and the two capacitors C4 & C5 and with one resistor can compose the RF amplifier. By using the tuned circuit the RF amplifier amplifies the signal. The amplification signal is given to the antenna with the help of the capacitor C6. C6 capacitor will remove the DC signal and permit the AC signal. If the transistor Q1 is in ON state, then the tuned circuit at the collector end will be tune ON.
How Mobile Phone Jammer Works Mobile Jammer Circuit Diagram The tuned circuit consists of capacitor C1 & inductor L1 hence it act as an oscillator with zero resistance. This oscillator will produce the high frequency with minimum impair. Both the indicator & capacitor in the tuned circuit will oscillate the resonating frequency. If the tuned circuit is ON then the voltage is stored by the capacitor.
How Mobile Phone Jammer Works Mobile Jammer Circuit Diagram Once the capacitor is fully charged it will allow the charge to flow through an indicator. The inductor is used to store the magnetic energy through this voltage across the capacitor. The total magnetic energy is stored in the inductor and the charge of the capacitor will be zero. The inductor of the magnitude will be decreased and the capacitor will be charged with the help of current in a reverse polarity manner.
How Mobile Phone Jammer Works Mobile Jammer Circuit Diagram After some period of time capacitor is charged completely and the magnetic energy transversely the inductor will be zero. The internal resistance is generated hence the oscillation will be stopped. The supply of the RF amplifier is through the capacitor C5 to the collector terminal. Which is before C6 for gain signal to the tuned signal. For generating noise the capacitors C2 and C3 are used for the frequency generated by the tuned circuit.
How Mobile Phone Jammer Works Mobile Jammer Circuit Diagram These capacitors will produce the electronic pulses in random. The cell phone Jammer works with the frequency of 450MHz . If this frequency is hunk we need to generate the 450MHz frequency with same noise. This is acted as a blocking signal because the receiver of the cell phone signal will not be able to understand the received signal. By this circuit we can able to block the cell phone signals.
How Mobile Phone Jammer Works Working of Mobile Jammer The Mobile phone jammer devices transmit the similar radio frequency which is greater power than the cell phone. The communication between the cell phone and the base station of the phone tower is called as a denial of service attack. This causes the obstruction with the communication of cell phones. Towers to make the cell phones not viable and there is no network visibility.
How Mobile Phone Jammer Works Working of Mobile Jammer Hence it works in both ways i.e. Cell phone to the tower frequency and the other one is tower to mobile frequency.
How Mobile Phone Jammer Works Different Types of Mobile Jammers There are different types of mobile jammers which are given below Remote Controlled Mobile jammer Adjustable Mobile Jammer School & Prison Mobile Jammer Explosion Proof Mobile jammer Police & Military Mobile Jammer Portable Mobile Jammer
How Mobile Phone Jammer Works Applications of Mobile Jammer The Mobile jammers are used in the classrooms, and library to maintain silence. It is used in the seminar halls and meeting rooms to avoid disturbances. It is used in the hospitals. The mobile jammers are used in the temples, churches, etc.
How Mobile Phone Jammer Works Conclusion Every technology has good aspect as well as bad aspect the important thing is ,how we are using it. Mobile phone jammers are very useful to the society from the anti-social elements. Cell phone jammers prevents bomb explosion, by blocking the signals . By using the cell phone jammers we can restrict the communication network between the anti-social elements . Cell phone jammers prevent the students from carrying cell phones to the examination halls for mass copying.