HI JETSKI SPORTS FANS It seems Elektrenai be warmer than in other European cities. Elektrenai Lagoon water shake Jetski engines thunder. August 05 – 07 days for the third time in Lithuania, will be held Elektrenai „EAST EUROPEAN JETSKI CUP 2016“. Participants: Lithuania, Poland, Estonia, Latvia, Finland, Ukraine, Belarus, Russia and Kaliningrad drivers. Event organizers said had not been receiving any such interest in the neighboring countries. So, you can not miss this event. 2016.08.05-07 days, be sure to visit the Elektrenai held „EAST EUROPEAN JETSKI CUP 2016„ competition and see how we can curb water. Support - the best motivation for those who will turn the wheels, and will raise the waves in the air.
ADVANCE PROGRAM EAST EUROPEAN JETSKI CUP 2016 Lithuanian championship stage III and Poland championship stage IV
RACE GUIDE Location: Draugystes 22, Elektrenai, Lithuania. GPS: 54.782130, 24.666734 Race director: Deivis Zizas. Regulations: LVMSF, IJSBA. Licenses: Open to ALL riders holding a valid IJSBA and UIM license. Competition: Closed course.
RACE REGISTRATION On-Line registration is opened and is highly recommended. http://lvmsf.lt/?q=content/east-european-jetski-cup-2016 On-Line registration is open until 24:00 on 03 day of August.
ENTRY FEE East European Jetski Cup 2016 Jetski Fast Lap Race On-Line registration 70 Euro. Registration race day 80 Euro. Add. Class + 50% Latecomers + 100% Jetski Fast Lap Race Registration is opened only race day. Registration race day – 30 Euro. Licenses: All competitors must have a valid race license issued by their national association. One time race licenses can be purchased at the registration for the fee of 80.- Euro.
Closed course classes: Jetski Fast Lap Race classes: Spark hobby Spark ladies Spark Sport Runabout Sport Open SKI JUNIORS LITES 10 – 15y. SKI VETERANS 35 + GP SKI PRO STOCK SKI PRO GP SEADOO SPARK LITES RUN NOVICE STOCK RUN VETERANS 35 + GP/OPEN RUN PRO STOCK RUN PRO LIMITED RUN PRO GP
CLOSED COURSES PROCEDURES The maximum number of competitors SKI classes one start is 16 drivers. SEADOO SPARK LITES 12 drivers. Run Novice Stock 10 drivers. RUN VETERANS 35 + GP/OPEN 12 drivers All Runabout Pro classes 14 drivers
POINTS 1. - 60. 6. - 36. 11. - 22. 16. – 12. 2. - 53. 7. - 33. 12. - 20. 17. – 10. 3. - 48. 8. - 30. 13. - 18. 18. – 8. 4. - 43. 9. - 27. 14. - 16. 19. – 4. 5. - 39. 10. - 24. 15. - 14. 20. – 2.
SAFETY - RESPONCIBILITY Helmet, back protection and life jacket are mandatory for all riders. Leg protectors are compulsory for all Runabout riders. Rules directed or related to safety are promulgated to ensure that everyone involved has a primary concern for safety. Each participant in competition is responsible for assessing the safety aspects of the facilities and conditions, and personally assumes the risk of competition. LVMSF, competition organizers, judges, course masters, sponsors, etc., do not accept any responsibility regarding any loss or accident to you or to third-parties including loss of business, loss of sale, equipment or property damage, injury or death resulting from or to you or other third-parties.
CONTACT Deivis Zizas Tel. +370672 30979 Email. lvmsf.lt@gmail.com INFO INTERNET www.lvmsf.lt www.facebook.com/vandens.motociklai.7 www.facebook.com/groups/15271126675 33044 CONTACT Deivis Zizas Tel. +370672 30979 Email. lvmsf.lt@gmail.com
List of available accommodation in area Elektrenai http://www.perkunkiemisplius.lt/ http://www.akmendvaris.lt/ http://abromiskiusodyba.weebly.com/ http://www.minhotel.lt/ http://www.vievija.lt/ http://www.ekovilis.lt/ http://backonys.lt/ Kaunas http://www.groupeuropa.com/europa _royale_lt/kaunas_viesbutis/ http://www.parkinn.com/hotel-kaunas
The organizers: Supporters: