Encoding and Modulating
Different Conversion Schemes Encoding digitizing Modulating Modulating Digital Signal Analog Signal
Digital to Digital Encoding
Types of Digital to Digital Encoding NRZ- Nonreturn to zero RZ-return to zero
Unipolar Encoding It uses only one polarity, its has a voltage level taken as 0 and another is 1 Disadvantages DC Component Synchronization
Polar Encoding Uses two voltage levels NRZ- Nonreturn to Zero Level of the signal is always positive or negative. Two types of NRZ NRZ-L +ve voltage is represents a bit 0 NRZ-I Synchronization is provided RZ- Return Zero
NRZ-L and NRZ-I Encoding
RZ Encoding
Manchester and Diff. Manchester Encoding
Types of Bipolar Encoding
Bipolar AMI Encoding
B8ZS Encoding
HDB3 Encoding
Example Using B8ZS, encode the bit stream 10000000000100. Assume that the polarity of the first 1 is positive.
Analog to Digital Encoding
Pulse Amplitude Modulation (PAM)
Quantized PAM Signal
From Analog to PCM
From Analog to PCM
From Analog to PCM
From Analog to PCM
Digital to Analog modulation In digital to analog modulation two basics issues are defined: Bit/Baud rate & Carrier signal
Amplitude Shift Keying(ASK) The figure depicts operation of ASK modulation. As shown in the figure, binary 1 will be represented by carrier signal with some amplitude while binary 0 will be represented by carrier of zero amplitude(i.e. no carrier).ASK is susceptible to noise interference.
Amplitude Shift Keying(ASK)
Formulas for ASK For Half duplex the bandwidth remains the same as given For Full duplex: Bandwidth(BW)=Given Bandwidth/2 Formula for calculating carrier frequencies Fc(forward)=Fc(min)+Nbaud/2 Fc(backward)=Fc(max)-Nbaud/2
Frequency Shift Keying(FSK) The figure depicts the FSK modulation. As shown, binary 1 and 0 is represented by two different carrier frequencies. Figure depicts that binary 1 is represented by high frequency 'f1' and binary 0 is represented by low frequency 'f2'.
Frequency Shift Keying(FSK)
Formulas for FSK For Calculating the Bandwidth: BW=Baud rate+(Fc1-Fc0) For Calculating Bit rate or Baud rate Baud rate/Bit Rate=BW - (Fc1-Fc0) Where (Fc1-Fc0)-Difference between two carrier frequencies
Phase Shift Keying(PSK) Figure depicts Binary Phase Shift Keying modulation type of PSK. As shown in the figure, Binary 1 is represented by 180 degree phase of the carrier and binary 0 is represented by 0 degree phase of the carrier.
PSK Constellation
4-PSK Characteristics
Phase Shift Keying(PSK)
Bit Rate and Baud Rate
Analog to Analog Modulation
Amplitude Modulation
Frequency Modulation
Transmission of Digital Data Interfaces and Modems Digital Data Transmission DTE-DCE Interface Other Interface Standards Modems
Parallel Transmission
Serial Transmission
Asynchronous Transmission
Synchronous Transmission
DTEs and DCEs
DTE-DCE interface
Twisted-Pair Cable
Shielded Twisted-Pair Cable
Coaxial Cable
Fiber Construction
Critical Angle
Transmission Impairment Attenuation