The Good Old Days 1492-1750 *Discovery & Settlement *British Empire Takes Shape *Colonial Society *Key People & Events
Discovery & Settlement A. Spanish, French, and English carve up North America 1. Gold, Glory, God 2. Escaping persecution and poverty 3. New technology
a) Jamestown (Virginia Company) b) Plymouth (Pilgrims) B. English settlement focused on the east coast 1. Key Settlements a) Jamestown (Virginia Company) b) Plymouth (Pilgrims) c) Massachusetts Bay (Puritans) 2. Native Americans befriend the settlers initially, but the tide quickly turns into conflict
II. British Empire Takes Shape 1650-1750 A. Four distinct areas develop: 1. New England colonies 2. Middle colonies 3. Southern colonies 4. Frontier colonies B. Type of Colony 1. Proprietary 2. Royal (King/monarchy) 3. Joint-stock (corporation)
through governmental actions (Dominion of New England) C. Mercantilist economy develops and is reinforced through governmental actions (Dominion of New England) D. Slavery becomes an economic necessity (indentured servants headright system African slaves)
III. Colonial Society A. Geography greatly influences the social and economic characteristics of each area B. All colonies carried out varied levels of democracy (mainly due to salutary neglect) C. Religion is a key element in several colonies
Germans and Scot-Irish in the 1700’s D. Immigration becomes more diverse with the influx of Germans and Scot-Irish in the 1700’s E. Characteristics of Colonial Society 1. Dominance of English culture 2. Self-government (white male property owners) 3. Religious toleration (varied) 4. No hereditary aristocracy 5. Social mobility
IV. Key People and Events A. Key People 1. John Rolfe (Jamestown) 2. William Bradford (Plymouth) 3. John Winthrop (Massachusetts Bay) 4. Roger Williams (Rhode Island) 5. Nathaniel Bacon (Virginia)
7. Lord Baltimore (Maryland) 8. Edmund Andros (New England) 6. William Penn (Pennsylvania) 7. Lord Baltimore (Maryland) 8. Edmund Andros (New England) 9. Metacom (New England) 10. James Oglethorpe (Georgia)
1. Tobacco cultivation begins (1615-1619) 2. House of Burgesses (1619) B. Key Events 1. Tobacco cultivation begins (1615-1619) 2. House of Burgesses (1619) 3. Mayflower Compact (1620) 4. Fundamental Orders of Connecticut (1639) 5. Act of Toleration (1649) 6. Bacon’s Rebellion (1676)
8. Dominion of New England (1686) 9. Zenger case (1735) 7. King Philip’s War (1675-1676) 8. Dominion of New England (1686) 9. Zenger case (1735) 10. Great Awakening (1730-1740’s) 11. Surge in European immigration (1750’s)