Blue Team Organization The Impact of Limited Majors on Attracting Incoming Freshman to CMA and its total population. Blue Team Organization
Contents Introduction Methodology Findings Recommendations Conclusion Appendixes
Introduction Problem Smallest number of incoming freshman compared to other Maritime Academies. Hypothesis An addition of majors would increase the number of incoming freshman similar to other Maritime Academies. MGT Question What is the impact of limited majors on attracting incoming freshman?
Introduction Continued Research Questions Does any of the majors offered at CMA interest you? (High School Seniors) Why did you choose CMA? (Current Freshman) Do you feel limited majors affect the number of incoming freshman we receive each year? (Teachers and Staff).
Introduction Continued Investigative Questions How many majors are offered at other Maritime Academies. Are the neighborhood students interested in attending college? What majors are the surrounding students interested in?
Objectives-Introduction Research Objectives -Discover the impact of limited majors. -Identify consequences of a less diverse offering of majors. -What is it the high school seniors and current freshman are looking for.
More Introduction Importance and Benefits Limited majors affect the number of incoming freshman and population overall. The benefit of having a wide range of majors attracts freshman and consequently affect population.
Methodology Sampling Design Population - Current and Prospective Freshmen - Administration Details Who was surveyed? -High school Seniors -Current Freshman attending CMA Who was interviewed? -Teachers and other staff members
Methodology Data Collection - Random Students Limitations - Dishonesty - Data tallied up and entered into Excel - Created charts and graphs Limitations - Dishonesty - Incorrect responses - Participants
Findings-How we did it. Data - 68 High school Surveys - 18 Current Freshman Surveys - 12 Administration Interviews Total 98
High School Seniors-Findings 45/68 aren't interested in any of the majors we have to offer!!
High School Seniors Cont.. 13 students said they were interested in nursing. 7 listed the medical field in general.
Current Freshman-Findings Only 4% came because of the small population. Conversely, 12% came because of the Maritime related majors.
Administrative Interviews-Findings 10 out of 12 faculty members. Faculty members experienced. Have taught at other CSU’s or Maritime Academies.
Demographics of Vallejo-Findings Vallejo Population: 116760 people CMA Population: 850 students Graduate High School - 83.7% Bachelors Degrees - 22.8%
Findings Background - Maine Maritime 9 Majors and 2 Associate’s Degrees Population: 800 Students/270 Freshman - SUNY Maritime 12 Majors and 1 Associate’s Degree Population: 1,400 Students/360 Freshman - Massachusetts Maritime 6 Majors and 2 Graduate Programs Population: 1,100/300 Freshman
Conclusions An additional major would attract the neighborhood high school students. Adding a major that is within the maritime field would maintain the schools uniqueness.
Recommendation Increase the number of incoming freshman, Women, and total population. Nursing- something along the lines of a Corpsman. This will keep CMA’s majors within the maritime field.
Recommendation Graduate Program -This will not only attract high school students but college graduates and increase total population. -Other Maritime Academies are already taking advantage.
Additional Recommendations Incentives -Every neighborhood student that applies to CMA get free books for their first semester. -This is sort of a bribe to the natives but may increase numbers. (Economy is bad)