The Kerry Experience Developing a Local Authorities’ Implementation Plan Aoife McCormack, Community and Enterprise Development Officer, Kerry County Council.
Contents Background Kerry Local Authorities Barcelona Declaration Team Structure Process Barcelona Declaration Implementation Plan What has Happened? What Needs to Happen Now?
Background Adoption by Killarney, Tralee, Listowel Town Councils and Kerry County Council. Creation of a cross-sectional team. Consideration of ‘history’ to date. Development of Implementation Plan in consultation with disability organisations, elected members and Senior Management Team.
KLA Barcelona Declaration Team
Barcelona Declaration Team Killarney Town Council Structure Barcelona Declaration Team Kerry County Council Tralee Town Council Listowel Town Council Killarney Town Council
Barcelona Declaration Implementation Plan Core Themes Strategic Policy Awareness and Information Employment and Training Decision Making Processes Finance Infrastructure and Built Environment Planning and Enforcement Transport KLA Public Buildings and Customer Services
Implementation Plan Example
Launch Adoption in December 2003 Launch by Mr Roy Guerin, Mr Martin Nolan and Mr Denis Geaney on 8th March 2004
What has happened? Sign Language Classes. Disability Awareness Training. New KCC Barcelona Declaration budget. €690+ allocated by the Roads and Transportation Department for the upgrading of footpaths in 2004. In Tralee Disabled Parking increased from 30 – 50 spaces. Inclusion in Annual Report New Reporting and Review Structures
What Needs to Happen Nationally? Transport Inclusion of Health and Education Authorities in similar processes that are linked Funding
The Kerry Local Authorities Barcelona Declaration Implementation Plan is available on
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