English for Tax Administration III
General info Lecturer: Dr. sc. Marijana Javornik Čubrić Classes: Tuesday 11:30 – 13:00 Office hours: Tuesday 10:00 – 11:00, Room no. 6 Contact: marijana.javornik@pravo.hr
Coursebook Sočanac, Matijašević, Javornik Čubrić, Husinec, Horvatić Bilić, English for the Legal Profession, Narodne novine, Zagreb, 2017 Units 15, 16, 18, 23, 24, 25
Topics The Law of Torts Contract Law Company Law Protection of Human Rights in Europe The Legal Foundations of the European Union Institutions of the European Union
Course outline Oct. 3 Course introduction Oct. 10 The Law of Torts Oct. 17 Defamation Oct. 24 Negligence Oct. 31 Contract Law Nov. 7 Translation practice (contracts) Nov. 21 Company Law Nov. 28 Vocabulary practice and revision Dec. 5 Protection of Human Rights in Europe Dec. 12 ECHR Dec. 19 The Legal Foundation of the European Union Jan. 9 Institutions of the EU; Revision Jan. 16 End-of-term examination Jan. 23 Final revision and signatures
Teaching materials Available at www.pravo.unizg.hr/sj Predmet: Engleski jezik porezne struke III Nastavni materijali M. Javornik Čubrić
Presentations Optional Substitute for oral examination Presentation in front of the class
Presentations – guidelines Individual presentation or a pair/a group of 3 Suggested duration: 15 minutes Expansion of the topics covered Notes are allowed, reading is not At least 3 sources to be used (one must be written) Questions for the group or discussion points to be included in the end Draft to be sent a week in advance
Suggested topics Torts: Negligence, nuisance, defamation Law of contract, types of contract Human rights Constitutional rights of citizens Business organizations in Croatia Institutions of the EU
Examination A) End-of-term examination + presentation B) Written part – grammar, legal terms, translation, content Oral part – presenting a topic using relevant vocabulary
Any questions, ideas, suggestions…?
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