Official hand over procedure
It can take 1-5 years or more from inventory to clean up Step 10 It can take 1-5 years or more from inventory to clean up Step 1 Any management instruments to keep the inventory updated? Intermediate actions for urgent stores?
?????????? C. Clean-up: B. What to do in the meantine with?: How good are the data? B. What to do in the meantine with?: Open Stores Demolished stores Pesticides disappeared/added Actualize store info ?????????? A. Inventory: FAO Standard format & good quality High priority/emerging sites
A. Inventory Quality Format: Recommend to use FAO standard inventory method excellent experiences made Standard forms, detailed Possible FAO services with Data base management
FAO Pesticide Stock Management System in Central and Eastern Europe FAO can work through Government or NGO or any institution that is non-profit or not make commercial use of the FAO product Countries who use the system must recognise that their information will enter the public domain FAO has no finances to support implementation of PSMS in Eastern and Central Europe. Countries, institutions or NGOs have to cover cost of product and technical support of FAO if needed. Without technical assistance from FAO the setup cost of PSMS for one country is around 3000-5000 USD If interested the request should be made to
Problems with inventory Til 2003/2004 hardly any country had an inventory If inventory available it was only on paper based on Plant Protection Services data Nobody went into the field Last years Stockholm Convention gave budget for POPs inventory, but also PCBs and Dioxins
Problems with inventory Often in NIP no or only few field visits made: lack of real field data When work on inventory: often fast action, no format, half job only no use So in any case after completion of NIP in following phase full detailed inventory is needed
Vital parts in inventory missing Empty containers often up tp 10% of total Spraying and other equipments etc Contaminated building materials, walls, floors etc Polluted soils around stores Buried pesticides around store
Teams are only looking for POPs and not for other obsolete pesticides
Can you tell me where the POPs are?
Searching for POPs only? You have to make inventory of all obsolete pesticides POPs or no POPs It is only a question of financial contribution for the clean up how many POPs there are Would you in a storage take the POPs out and leave the rest?
Information on the store and the environment Information on pesticides FAO format includes Risk Analysis Form A2 Form A1 Form A3 Information on the store and the environment Information on pesticides Calcul of FP Calcul of FE
Now decision making tool for actions .......till clean-up 2. What to do in the meantine with?: High priority/emerging sites Open Stores Demolished stores Pesticides disappeared/added Actualize store info
High priority/emerging sites Leaking sites with direct danger like people living on or around site: need for stabilisation action or repacking and temporary storage at limited number of stores eliminate direct risk
Centralized storage Moldova
Simple things during and after inventory can be done Placement of big signs on danger and prohibition of entering!!!!!! Sometimes even fencing (made local materials and with help of by local population!!!!) Repair doors or install doors with padlocks Assign local guards Information for + meetings with inhabitants and specifically schools
How do we keep good data up to date? How well are you organised in each region in order to steer things. How many local inspectors/police/other stakeholders are involved who could contribute to a number of actions? Can we get population and NGO’s involved at local level?
Involvement of local population and NGO’s in solution
Facts? In one country a contractor had to repackage 1400 tons based on 2 year old inventory which turned out to be 2500 tons Inventory only based on ”government data” but no input of population (they know a lot!!!) Just before clean-up at night tons and tons of obsolete pesticides were dumped!!! Over the years amounts turn out to be much bigger: Bulgaria 4500 t now 13000 t Ukraine: 2003: 10 000 t now 33 000 t Both governments have not listed obsolete pesticides as highest priority
Why so much time in between ?????????? C. Clean-up: How good are the data? B. What to do in the meantine with?: Open Stores Demolished stores Pesticides disappeared/added Actualize store info Why so much time in between ?????????? A. Inventory: FAO Standard format & good quality High priority/emerging sites
Why so much time in between ??? Political prioritization of POPs is lacking Prioritization of pesticides problem in POPS Convention is very good, but If the pesticides POPs are not prioritized politically and environment is not a priority, you will not find co-sponsors EU will never support programmes if you have not prioritized them at national level first!!!!!!!!!!!!!