Topic 1 I usually come to school by subway.


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Presentation transcript:

Topic 1 I usually come to school by subway. Unit 5 Our School Life Topic 1 I usually come to school by subway. Section A 福建省福州第四十中学 林锌

Nice to see you again, Mr. Li! I usually come to school by car. Nice bike! Do you often come to school by bike? Nice to see you again, Mr. Li! Yes, I do. How do you usually come to school? I usually come to school by car. Nice to see you, too! Happy New Year! The same to you!

car bus bike train subway/ plane underground by bike by by train subway/ by by by plane underground

boat by on on foot ship by

2a Look at the pictures and match them with the correct phrases. A. by subway B. by bike C. by plane D. on foot E. by car F. by train G. by ship H. by bus I. by boat

1b Read the sentences and choose the correct one for each picture. A. He comes to school on foot. B. She goes to school by bus. C. He comes to school by bike. D. She goes to school by subway.

Fill in the blanks according to 1b. Michael comes to school________. B. Jane goes to school_______. C. Kangkang comes to school_________. D. Helen goes to school___________. on foot by bus by bike by subway

2b Listen and match the means of transportation in 2a with the people. A. by subway B. by bike C. by plane D. on foot E. by car F. by train G. by ship H. by bus I. by boat Mr. Zhang _______ Kangkang ______ Ms. Black ________ Jane’s uncle_______ C B F E Miss Gao ______ Ellen _______ Zhao Lin _________ Mr. Brown__________ Wu Hui_______ G H D I A

1a Listen, look and say. (1)Where do Kangkang, Jane and Helen meet? (2)How does Helen usually come to school? (3)How does Jane always come to school? They meet at the school gate. Helen usually comes to school by subway. Jane always comes to school by bus.

1a Look, listen and say.

Key Points 1.—Happy New Year! —The same to you. 2.—Do you often come to school by bike? —Yes, I do. 3.—How do you usually come to school? —I usually come to school by subway. 4.—It’s time for class.

How do you usually come/go to school? 1c Work in groups and practice 1a. Then make up a new conversation with the following structures. Happy New Year! Nice to see you! How do you usually come/go to school? I usually come/go to school by bus/subway…

Make a survey of your group, asking them how they come to school Make a survey of your group, asking them how they come to school. Then make a report to your class. Example: A: How do you usually come to school? B: I usually come to school by bike. C: I usually come to school on foot. …

You may report like this: In our group, three of us come to school by bike…

3a Listen and read the sounds and words aloud.

3a Listen and read the sounds and words aloud.

3a Listen and read the sounds and words aloud. letter ei d dge sound /aI/ /d/ /dZ/ word either neither height dish deaf do bridge edge judge

3b Listen and circle the words with the sound /i:/ or /e/. /i:/ ready read beach mean bean health deep beef /e/ jeans ready seat bread leaf wealth weather great

Exercise 1.—Happy New Year! —______________. The same to you 2.—___ you often come to school ___ bike? —Yes, I do. by Do 3.—____ do you usually come to school? —I usually come to school ___ subway. How by 4.—It’s time ___class. for

Summary We learn: 1. some words: gate, plane, train, ship, boat, by, always 2. some phrases: come on, on foot, by bike/car/bus/train/subway/plane/boat 3. some sentences: How do you usually come to school? I usually come to school by subway. We can: talk about the means of transportation. e.g. I often go to school by bike/bus.

Homework Review the means of transportation. Read the sounds and words in 3a. Memorize the new words.

Thank you