New developments and inventory Salvatore Danzeca
What we know now QPS: 600A systems – production finished – final qualification and deployment pending (CHARM test?) Splice protection DQQBS – Firmware upgrade Quadrupole QPS renovation – LS2 – use of components already known: ProASIC3, ADC 1162 + 11049 IPQ/IPD (fire the heaters) modifications required but only few components (passive)
What we know – Part 2 CRYO: Possible modification on the Heaters/ Level Transducers and Temperature cards Commercial equivalent of the Antifuse (too expensive) LT logic to be changed and maybe an OpAmp is needed. Igloo2 will be an option and if the tests are successful The cards will be modified only for other experience and if it works well then could be deployed in the LHC Possible test in CHARM next year (2016) on a new developed card to verify the working function
What we know – Part 3 BI SPS Multi Orbit POsition System (MOPOS) Jose Luis Gonzalez Exposed up to 100 Gy/y Serial ADC 10MHz : Octal 14-bit ADC: AD9252 to be tested LogAmps (Tested at PSI) (passed 1kGy) Optical Link: Versatile Transceiver (VTRx) to be tested FPGA Xilinx Spartan6 FPGA?? To be tested Voltage regulators TL1963A TPS7A4501 (passed 1kGy) CAMERA need and research a RADHARD camera with good sensitivity Wire Scanner: Beam Secondary Shower Acquisition System Design under study, to follow it (via Jose Luis Sirvent Blasco) GEFE Manoel Barros Marin Project started First two prototype in assembly All the components tested in other campaign BE TE(do they test their lot?) They foresee a radiation campaign at System Level (Christophe Donat Godichal )
Missing Vacuum RF Safety (DG)