Welcome to Circuits Lab Summer 2017 Take a seat in Room S383! Take a syllabus! Dr. Dave Shattuck
Relation to ECE 2201/2202 Theory vs. Practice Reinforcing Circuit Theory Ideas Learning Basic Skills Prototyping Basic Lab Equipment Troubleshooting Preparation for Design!!!
Components of ECE 2100… Informal Reports (6) 30-35% Complete analytical work at home: Pre-Lab Perform lab work in class Use open lab hours to complete lab if needed Project: Methods Section 10% Project: Formal Report 30-35% Final Exam 20-30%
ECE 2100… The Lab The Equipment S383/S385 Lab TAs On duty when the lab is open Assigned to a particular course The Electronics Shop: S388 (Robert Dial; Ralph Brown) The Equipment Lab Kits: prototype board and components Basic bench-top equipment Multimeter Oscilloscope Function Generator
Course Web Sites Server: www.ece.uh.edu/courses Lab assignments Calendar Syllabus Project and Formal report instructions (not posted yet) Class PowerPoint presentations NERD Documentation: information about lab practice Blackboard: (https://elearning.uh.edu/webapps/portal/frameset.jsp) Grade Posting Email
Safety Considerations Be neat; be careful; be courteous. There are no foods or drinks allowed in the lab at any time, even if you are not consuming them.
Safety: The TAs No one is allowed to work in the lab without TA or Instructor supervision. The TAs are in charge. Do what they say.
Safety: Equipment Do not attempt to disassemble, repair, or calibrate the instrumentation (unless instructed to do so). Do not touch live, high-voltage circuits with both hands: put one hand behind your back.
Safety: Emergencies In case of emergency, call 911 or campus police at x 3-3333 or 713-743-3333
If You Use the Open-Hours Lab When you arrive: Sign in with name and the lab bench. Give your ID to the TA While you are working: DO NOT take equipment from another bench. DO NOT take cables from another bench. Broken or Missing Equipment? Fill out a form; change benches When you are finished: Clean up. Sign out. Get your ID.
Lab Kits You will get: A breadboard (prototyping board). A bunch of parts Wires Resistors Capacitors Op Amps Transistors Voltage Regulator These will be good for: 2100, 3155, 3456, design projects…