Future Ideas: Federation and Integration Dean Flanders FMI / SystemsX 3rd PaN-Data & CRISP Harmonization Meeting June 13 2012, Radisson Blue ZH Airport
Background The landscape for resource management in life sciences are essentially identical to physics (e.g. DUO), but different in that there are many small independent facilities with many different usage modes. The situation continues to go in this direction with more cross-institutional collaborations and resource sharing as scientific questions become larger and more complex (e.g. Euro-Bioimaging Project, commercial vendors). Most people have been focusing in how the problem is solved as opposed to solving the problem.
Cloud based Resource / Request Management in Life Sciences
Authentication Considerations The underlying authentication technology should be SAML based so integration to other federations and institutions is trivial. The service needs to be secure and trusted. Ability to use a users institutional username and password. Affiliation with an institution needs to be validated. Easy integration into other institutions (including commercial), there are obstacles in the current NREN structures.
Similar efforts: Incommon.org 1. Single sign on 2. Services no longer manage user accounts & personal data stores 3. Standards-based technology 4. Home org and user controls privacy 5. Self-registration of academic and commercial institutions. 6. Professional service and infrastructure. 7. Governance. 2011.11.23
Current Test Setup at FMI and ETH based on SAML protocol Service Provider Access Control Service in the Cloud Active Directory Federation Services Active Directory This has been going on for years in physics, but the model must be adapted to work with the life sciences. Non-competitive resources must be shared in order to achieve economies of scale.
Additional Attributes Central DB (in the cloud) Local DB (institute level) This has been going on for years in physics, but the model must be adapted to work with the life sciences. Non-competitive resources must be shared in order to achieve economies of scale.
Integration with Umbrella (light) This has been going on for years in physics, but the model must be adapted to work with the life sciences. Non-competitive resources must be shared in order to achieve economies of scale.
Integration with Umbrella (full) This has been going on for years in physics, but the model must be adapted to work with the life sciences. Non-competitive resources must be shared in order to achieve economies of scale.
Possible GUI Interface 2011.11.23
Possible Outcomes Single sign on (institutional based account) Standards-based technology Home org and user controls privacy Self-registration of academic and commercial institutions Professional service and infrastructure Governance
Conclusion Very similar needs. The technology, knowledge, and resources are available to achieve this. It will require a strong commitment and patience to work through the issues. Must be more interested in solving the problem than how we make the solution.