Welcome to Doves Class! Miss Perfect Rasche Miss Tate Mrs. Thompson/Miss McClellan
Important Dates English Workshop – Monday 18th September 3.15 (with crèche) and 6.00 (without crèche) Maths Workshop – Thursday 28th September 3.15 (with crèche) and 6.00 (without crèche) Parents Evening – Wednesday 11th October 2.30-5 or Thursday 19th 3.30-7
Water bottles School provides water bottles for each child. If your child needs to bring in a water bottle from home, please make sure that they are small enough to fit in the storage baskets.
Rawdon Littlemoor School Rules We are kind and helpful We listen We don’t hurt others or other people’s feelings We listen We don’t interrupt We are honest We don’t cover up the truth We work hard We don’t waste our own or others’ time We look after property We don’t waste or damage things
Doves Timetable
Subjects in Year 2 The following subjects are taught in Year 2: Phonics, English, Maths, Topic (encompassing Science, Geography, History, Art and DT), ICT, PSHCE, Music, PE and RE. Children in Doves class usually pick up some BSL too!
Maths Quickfire 3x table 3x table Count in 3s Quickfire 2x table
Reading Reading practice is embedded as part of phonics and English lessons. We aim for the children to read 1:1 with an adult in school at least once a week. However, during some weeks this may not be possible due to bank holidays/training days/ trips out etc. If your child is not read with during one of these weeks, they will be a priority for the next week. I aim to read with each child 1:1 every 3/4 weeks to check their progress and bookband. Later in the year when the children are more confident readers, they may move on to small group reading to focus on comprehension.
Home Learning First term As much home reading as possible. Ideally at least twice a week. Home maths books to be used as appropriate. One project linked to “Dinosaurs”. Weekly Year 2 spellings to learn. Later in the year Weekly maths and English books to be completed at home.