MCS680: Foundations Of Computer Science int MSTWeight(int graph[][], int size) { int i,j; int weight = 0; for(i=0; i<size; i++) for(j=0; j<size; j++) weight+= graph[i][j]; return weight; } 1 n O(1) O(n) Running Time = 2O(1) + O(n2) = O(n2) Tree Analysis and Algorithms Brian Mitchell ( - Drexel University MCS680-FCS
Introduction Tree’s can be used to model many applications in computer science Hierarchical structures Nested/Embedded structures Applications Sort trees Search trees Parse trees Mathematical expressions Syntax Graphics algorithms File systems Many tree algorithms are simple because they leverage the structure of the tree Recursive algorithms Brian Mitchell ( - Drexel University MCS680-FCS
Tree Terminology A tree consists of a set of Nodes and Edges Every tree has a root node Every node other than the root is connected to another node called the parent Every node may have zero or more children Trees have a connectivity property such that if we start at any node and move to it’s parent (repetitively) we will eventually reach the root of the tree Brian Mitchell ( - Drexel University MCS680-FCS
Recursive Definition of a Tree The structure of a tree leads to a natural recursive definition of a tree Basis A single node is a tree, it is also the root of the tree Induction Let r be a new node (it is also a tree by the basis definition) Let T1, T2, ..., Tk be one or more trees with roots c1, c2, ..., ck respectively. Now: Let r be the root of the tree T Add an edge from r to each of the nodes c1, c2, ..., ck. Thus we have made r the root of a new tree with children consisting of the roots of trees T1, T2, ..., Tk Brian Mitchell ( - Drexel University MCS680-FCS
Example Using the Recursive Definition of a Tree Define the following tree using the recursive definition of a tree: n1 n2 n3 n4 n5 n6 Basis Make nodes n6, n5, n3 Each is a single node tree (T6, T5 & T3) Induction Make node n4, connect it to T6, this is a new tree T4 Make node n2, connect it to T4 & T5, this is a new tree T2 Make node n1, connect it to T2 & T3, this is a new tree T1 Brian Mitchell ( - Drexel University MCS680-FCS
Paths, Ancestors and Descendants Parent and child relationships can naturally be converted to ancestors and descendants Ancestors The ancestors of a node are found by repetitively following the unique path from the node to its parent A node is also its own ancestor Descendant Opposite of ancestor relationship A node d is a descendant of node a if and only if a is an ancestor of d Path Let m1, m2, ... mk be a sequence of nodes in a tree such that node mi is the parent of node m(i+1) Then m1, m2, ... mk is called a path from m1 to mk in the tree The length of the path is (k-1) Path of length zero is when k=1 Brian Mitchell ( - Drexel University MCS680-FCS
Subtrees In a tree T, a node n, together with all of its proper descendants (if any) is called a subtree of T Node n is the root of the subtree A subtree must satisfy the three properties of all trees A subtree contains a root All other nodes in the subtree have a unique parent in the subtree By following parents from any node in the subtree, we eventually reach the root of the subtree Thus all nodes in tree T, other then the root node are roots of subtrees in T Brian Mitchell ( - Drexel University MCS680-FCS
Height and Depth of Trees Leaves and Interior Nodes A leaf is a node that has no children An interior node is a node that has one or more children Every node in the tree is either a leaf or an interior node -- but not both The root of the tree is an interior node unless it is the only node in the tree The root will be a leaf node in this case Height of a tree The height of node n in a tree is the longest path from n to a leaf in the tree The height of of the tree is the height of the root Depth of a tree The depth, or level, of a node n is the length of the path from the root to n Brian Mitchell ( - Drexel University MCS680-FCS
Tree Data Structures- Parent Node Representation typedef struct _PTREE { int element; struct _PTREE *parent; }PTREE; Some algorithms only require that you can identify your parent node The PTREE data structure allows for trees to be constructed whereby each node in the tree knows about its parent The root node can have a parent node of NULL, or a pointer to itself This data structure can not be used to traverse a tree in a downward direction Brian Mitchell ( - Drexel University MCS680-FCS
Tree Data Structures - Child Array Representation #define MAX_DEGREE 10 typedef struct _CATREE { int element; struct _CATREE *children[MAX_DEGREE]; }CATREE; This data structure uses an array of CATREE pointers to point to the children of a node Use a NULL pointer in the children array to indicate that the array position does not point to any children Must know in advance the maximum number of children that any possible node can have There is a lot of wasted space if most of the nodes do not have many children Brian Mitchell ( - Drexel University MCS680-FCS
Tree Data Structures - Child Linked List Representation typedef struct _CLIST { struct _CPTREE *node; struct _CLIST *nextChild; } typedef struct _CPTREE int element; struct _CLIST *childList; }CPTREE; This data structure uses a linked list to manage the children of a node in the tree Efficient use of space No upper bound for the number of children that any given node can have Might be a little slow because traversing a linked list takes O(1) time Child linked list must be traversed for each node evaluation Brian Mitchell ( - Drexel University MCS680-FCS
Tree Data Structures- Left-Child, Right-Sibling typedef struct _LCRSTREE { int element; struct _LCRSTREE *leftChild; struct _LCRSTREE *rightSibling; }LCRSTREE; Very efficient representation for a tree Commonly used representation Each node in the tree knows about its leftmost child and its nearest rightmost sibling No wasted space Small data structure Easy to implement Easy to traverse tree Brian Mitchell ( - Drexel University MCS680-FCS
Example Tree Representation Left Child, Right Sibling Consider the following tree: n1 n2 n3 n4 n5 n6 Using a left child, right sibling representation, the above tree would be represented as follows: n1 n2 n3 n4 n5 n6 Brian Mitchell ( - Drexel University MCS680-FCS
Tree Data Structures- Using Parent Pointers typedef struct _LCRSTREE { int element; struct _LCRSTREE *parentNode; struct _LCRSTREE *leftChild; struct _LCRSTREE *rightSibling; }LCRSTREE; Sometimes it is desirable to integrate a parent pointer into the tree representation Allows for algorithms that need to move down or backtrack up the tree without having to remember previous, or historical pointers Simple modification to basic data structure by adding a parent pointer to the data structure Brian Mitchell ( - Drexel University MCS680-FCS
Recursion on Trees n c1 c2 c3 . . . ck The usefulness of trees is highlighted by the number of recursive operations and algorithms that exist for tree processing Every node in a tree is either an interior node or a leaf A leaf node is the simplest form of a tree because leaf nodes do not have any children The basis case Interior nodes have children, and each child is a subtree in the main tree. Each subtree in the main tree is a simpler tree The inductive definition Brian Mitchell ( - Drexel University MCS680-FCS
Recursively Traversing a Tree Preorder Visiting + a * - d b c Preorder traversal Print the node Explore the left subtree until you can’t explore any more Explore the siblings of the lowest subtree that you can find in a preorder fashion Sample Tree: +a*-bcd Brian Mitchell ( - Drexel University MCS680-FCS
Recursively Traversing a Tree Postorder Visiting + a * - d b c Postorder traversal Explore the left subtree until you can’t explore any more Print the node Explore the siblings of the lowest subtree that you can find in a postorder fashion Sample Tree: abc-d*+ Brian Mitchell ( - Drexel University MCS680-FCS
Recursively Searching a Tree Preorder Algorithm typedef struct _LCRSTREE { int element; struct _LCRSTREE *leftChild; struct _LCRSTREE *rightSibling; }LCRSTREE; void Preorder(LCRSTREE *T) printf(“%d “,T->element); T = T->leftChild; while (T != NULL) Preorder(T); T = T->rightSibling; } Brian Mitchell ( - Drexel University MCS680-FCS
Structural Induction Recall, Inductive Proofs Show a basis case Assume that the induction holds for f(n) Show that the inductive hypothesis holds for f(n+1) Structural Induction on Trees Basis Case: Show that S(T) is true when T consists of a single node Inductive Hypothesis: Assume T is a tree with root r and children c1, c2, ... ck for some k > 1 Let T1, T2, ... Tk be the subtrees of T rooted at c1, c2, ... ck respectively Assume that S(T1), S(T2), ... S(Tk) is true Assuming that the inductive hypothesis is true for subtrees S(T1), S(T2), ... S(Tk) in T, show that S(T) is also true Brian Mitchell ( - Drexel University MCS680-FCS
Recursively Searching a Tree Postorder Algorithm typedef struct _LCRSTREE { int element; struct _LCRSTREE *leftChild; struct _LCRSTREE *rightSibling; }LCRSTREE; void Postorder(LCRSTREE *T) T = T->leftChild; while (T != NULL) Postorder(T); T = T->rightSibling; } printf(“%d “,T->element); Brian Mitchell ( - Drexel University MCS680-FCS
Structural Induction Proof Example - ComputeHt() typedef struct _LCRSTREE { int element; int height; struct _LCRSTREE *leftChild; struct _LCRSTREE *rightSibling; }LCRSTREE; void ComputeHt(LCRSTREE *n) LCRSTREE *c; (1) n->height = 0; (2) c = n->leftChild; (3) while (c != NULL) (4) ComputeHt(c); (5) if (c->height >= n->height) (6) n->height = c->height++; (7) c = c->rightSibling; } Brian Mitchell ( - Drexel University MCS680-FCS
Structural Induction Proof Example - ComputeHt() Prove that when ComputeHt() is called on a pointer to the root of tree T, the correct height of each node n is stored in the height field of that node Basis: If T consists of a single node then the leftChild pointer will be NULL Thus the while loop never executes The only line of code that is run is: n->height = 0; Thus the height of a single node tree is zero Induction: Suppose that r is the root of a tree T that is not a single node. By the inductive hypothesis we can assume that when ComputeHt() is recursively called at line 4 that the correct height is installed in the height field Brian Mitchell ( - Drexel University MCS680-FCS
Structural Induction Proof Example - ComputeHt() Induction (con’t) We now need to show that the while loop (lines 3 - 7) correctly sets n->height to one more than the maximum of the heights of the children on n We show this by performing another induction on the number of times that the while loop is executed Second Induction: Show that after the while loop (lines 3-7) has been executed i times that the value of n->height is one more than the largest of the heights of the first i children of n Basis: The basis is i = 1 The loop is never entered if i = 0 because there are no children If i = 1 the loop is executed 1 time Brian Mitchell ( - Drexel University MCS680-FCS
Structural Induction Proof Example - ComputeHt() Second Induction (con’t) Basis (con’t) The loop is executed one time and the height is initialized to zero prior to entering the loop Therefore the if statement on line 5 is executed once The if statement sets n->height to one more then the height of the child Induction Assume that S’(i) is true After i iterations of the loop, n->height is one larger then the largest height among the first i children If there is an (i+1)st child then the while loop condition at line 3 will be true and we execute the body of the loop an (i+1)st time If the (i+1)st child is less then 1 plus the largest of the first i heights then no change to n->height will be made The if statement at line 5 Brian Mitchell ( - Drexel University MCS680-FCS
Structural Induction Proof Example - ComputeHt() Second Induction (con’t) Inductive Step (con’t) Once again we are assuming that an (i+1)st child exists We previously showed that no change to n->height will take place if the (i+1)st child is not one larger then n->height However, if if the (i+1)st child height is larger then n->height then the if statement on line 5 will be executed and n->height will be set to one larger then the (i+1)st child height Thus we have shown by induction on the number of children of a given node that the while loop (lines 3-7) will in fact set n->height to one larger then the maximum height of all of n’s children Now we must return to the original induction Brian Mitchell ( - Drexel University MCS680-FCS
Structural Induction Proof Example - ComputeHt() Original Induction Revisited When the condition on the while loop (line 3) fails we have evaluated all of the children of n The second induction, S’(i), showed that when i is the total number of children of n that n->height is one more then the height of the largest height of all of the children on n By the original inductive hypothesis we assume that the correct height is stored in each child node of r Now assume that we apply the second induction to all of the children of r The second induction showed us that if we apply the induction on all of the children of r, that r’s height will be one more than the maximum height of all of the children of r Thus by structural induction r’s height will be the height of the tree T Brian Mitchell ( - Drexel University MCS680-FCS
Special Trees Binary Tree Special type of tree because the maximum number of children that any node can have is two Many algorithms exist for organizing and processing data using binary trees Heaps and Heap Sorts Priority Queues Binary Search Expression Parsing & Evaluation Many of the algorithms on binary trees run proportional to lg n time Very efficient algorithms Can develop simpler algorithms for tree processing if the tree is a binary tree Do not need to walk the rightSibling linked list for each node because every node has at most two children Left Child and Right Child Brian Mitchell ( - Drexel University MCS680-FCS