Anglický jazyk 4.tř. to want Name: VY_32_INOVACE_14 Anglický jazyk 4.tř. to want Name:
the radio, listen to, to, I, want What do you want to do? Já chci poslouchat rádio. Chci lyžovat. the radio, listen to, to, I, want to, I, ski, want
play, want, we, to, football What do you want to do? My chceme hrát fotbal. Oni chtějí bruslit. play, want, we, to, football want, to, they, skate
in, cook, the kitchen, wants, she, to What do you want to do? On chce běhat. Ona chce vařit v kuchyni. run, wants, he, to in, cook, the kitchen, wants, she, to
What do you want to be? Chci být A cook, a shop assistant, a secretary A computer expert, a nurse, a waiter A doctor, a teacher, a reporter, astronaut kuchař prodavač sekretářka Odborník na počítače Zdravotní sestra číšník lékař učitel novinář kosmonaut
End Do you know it? Umíš to? I want to Slovesa You want to Verbs He She wants to It We want to You want to They want to