Classical and nonlocal theories of nonequilibrium thermodynamics Peter Ván BUTE, Department of Chemical Physics Beyond local equilibrium Relocalizable theories Extended irreversible thermodynamics Non relocalizable theories Once again on the Ginzburg-Landau equation
Local equilibrium (= there is no microstructure) Classical Irreversible Thermodynamics Local equilibrium (= there is no microstructure) Violations (nonlocality): in time (memory effects) in space (structure effects) dynamic variables current multipliers + ??
? Weakly nonlocal extended thermodynamics state space constitutive functions Liu procedure (Farkas’s lemma) ?
extended (Gyarmati) entropy entropy current (Nyíri) (B – current multiplier)
Ginzburg-Landau (variational) Second Law Variational (!)
? Ginzburg-Landau (thermodynamic, relocalized) state space constitutive functions Liu procedure (Farkas’s lemma) ?
current multiplier isotropy
Ginzburg-Landau (thermodynamic, non relocalizable) state space constitutive functions Liu procedure (Farkas’s lemma)
Conclusions Not everything is a balance Internal variables are not omnipotent