Project 4 Children’s Services Committee Update September 13, 2017
Agenda Project Update Dual Roles Pilot Update Leadership Workshops
Project 4 Timeline We are here NC legislation intent is that P4-Child Services be operational by the end of 2017. Full deployment to all counties is planned over 18 months through the end of 2018. Release 1 User Acceptance Testing is complete and involved participants from Pilot and Group 1 counties. Extended Pilot county and Group 1 deployments are planned (3 months each) to allow adequate time for application stability, user training, and process reviews. Release 3 is planned, subject to federal and state budget approval. Primary features are additional interfaces to external systems and deployment of Social Enterprise Collaboration features.
Project 4 Updates Pilot counties have been entering transactions into the production system since August 7; working with counties to identify and address issues and concerns. Projected to address 208 of 228 items (91%) raised by pilot counties since go-live before Group 1 projected go-live of October 23, 2017. Working to provide Pilots with data/reports in advance of CSDW availability in October. Help Desk staff supporting pilot counties 24/7. Design, development, and test activities for Release 2 are in progress. Collaborative design webinars and previews of development work with county and state users for Release 2 are ongoing. Recruiting for additional Business SMEs and Liaisons is continuing. NC FAST Mobile app is in development with a target release date of late September; state MDM not available at this point. Western Leadership Workshops begin on September 18; two makeup sessions to be held for eastern Leadership Workshops (i.e., Cumberland and Beaufort). Holding monthly status meetings with State DSS leadership and Tri-chair committee; providing Project 4 briefings at state and regional director meetings. Continuing to issue project email and post materials on the Learning Gateway.
Dual Roles Update (all program areas)
Help Desk Ticket Volumes 94 calls received to date Average of 5 per day Increased with conversion of FC cases
Open Help Desk Tickets 55 open tickets Tickets tied to defects remain open until defect is closed Assigning Liaisons to provide rotating support for Help Desk Note: Critical open ticket will be resolved on 9/16
Pilot Support Foster Care and Financial Go-Live Support Financial Reconciliation Support = 24/7 Help Desk Foster Care and Financial Go-Live Support Liaison Support Liaison Support Note: Central trainers available to deliver virtual ad-hoc training and support when not otherwise deployed to counties
Pilot Next Steps Pilot counties provided with detailed tracker spreadsheet including target resolution dates on Friday, September 8 Pilot counties reviewing spreadsheet to identify “showstopper” issues; results to be provided to NC FAST by Friday, September 15 Checkpoint call with Pilot Directors on Friday, September 15 @10:30am Review “showstopper” issues Can schedule additional checkpoint calls if needed Checkpoint call with Pilot Directors on Monday, September 25 @ 2:00pm After close of financial reconciliation After deployment of September release Group 1 counties moving forward with training in anticipation of an October 23 go-live Will depend on Pilot Director endorsement
Leadership Workshops Wilkes Oct 24-25 Surry Oct 10-11 Randolph Sept 26-27 Wake July 10-11 Wilson July 18-19 Currituck June 8-9 Caldwell Oct 2-3 Lincoln Sept 20-21 Beaufort Sept 19-20 Jackson Sept 18-19 Polk Oct 31-Nov 1 Johnston June 21-22 Cumberland Oct 12-13 New Hanover June 28-29