Planning for Junior Year At Lakewood High School
10th Grade: Year of Decision You aren’t looking at just next year. You’re looking at the next two years… and beyond.
Some choices to make this year… Career Tech Program? College Prep? Both? Humanities? AP classes? Art and music? Math and science?
Two kinds of courses in high school: Required Electives
Required courses to graduate English 4 years Social Studies 3 years Science 3 years Math 3 years PE 1 year Health ½ year Bus/Tech/F.Arts/F.Lang 1 year
Courses Needed for College English 4 Social Studies 3 Science 3 (at least two must be with labs) Math 3 Foreign Lang. 2 (of the SAME language) Performing Art 1 (art, music, drama) More selective colleges will have additional admission requirements.
10th & 11th grade Required Courses English 10 Science Math US History Health PE 11th grade British Literature (English 11) Science Math (Gov’t/Econ senior year only) You choose the remaining courses as your electives. You must have 10 credits at the end of this year to be a junior next year.
British Literature (Eng. 11) British Literature Advanced (Eng 10 Adv or teacher rec) English Lit and Comp 11 AP (by application only; must also take Eng 12 AP senior year)
Math 10th grade 11th grade Geometry Survey Alg/Geo Algebra 2 Survey of Algebra/Geometry or Tech Prep Algebra 2 or Algebra 2 TP Algebra 2 or Algebra 2 PreCalc with Trig or Interm. Alg or Statistics or AP Statistics Survey Alg/Geo Algebra 2 Adv. Algebra 2 AP Calc AB or AP Statistics (application required) or Statistics Pre-Calc & Trig
Which math is best for you? Your math teacher will tell you which math class to take next year. You MUST select this class.
Science 10th grade 11th grade Astro/Geo Biology or Horticulture Fundamental Physics Physics or AP Physics Anatomy/Physiology Chemistry or AP Chemistry Biology or Advanced Biology Intro to Life Science Chemistry
Which Science is best for you? Your science teacher will help you choose which science class to take next year. See the science chart in the Course Selection Guide for help in selecting an appropriate science course.
Electives Any course that isn’t required. These are courses you take because of your special interest or talent.
Electives open to juniors Family & Consumer Sciences Art Business
Social Studies Foreign Languages Instrumental music
Drama or Broadcast Theater Production Choral Music
Prerequisites A course you must take BEFORE taking another course. Art 1 is a prerequisite to Art 2. English 10 is a prerequisite to British Literature. Any foods course is a prerequisite to Creative Cooking and Gourmet Foods. A course you must take BEFORE taking another course.
Planning ahead for senior year. Biotechnology is a senior year program that requires advanced classes in sciences and Algebra 2 in 10th or 11th grade.
Career Tech Programs begin in 11th grade. Business Management Accounting and Financial Services Medical Office Management
Health Careers Technology Interactive Media Design Networking (CISCO)
Culinary Arts/ProStart Early Childhood Education/Senior Services
Automotive Technology Electronics Technology Construction Trades Automotive Technology
Career Tech Programs are 2-year programs that require an application Career Tech Programs are 2-year programs that require an application. You may still complete an application to be placed on a waiting list.
11th Grade Course Selection Starts in 7th period now and continues through February18th. Determine the courses you have taken and what you still need to take.
You will select your courses online at home and/or at school. Select a minimum of 6 periods per semester. Select more than 6; you can drop a 7th course during the first two weeks of school without penalty.
Your 7th period teacher can discuss with you your course selections. help you to PRIORITIZE the electives you have chosen.
Prioritizing Electives We will TRY to give you all the courses you have selected. If we cannot, your counselor will assign you courses according to YOUR priority. For example……. Elective Priority French 3 2 Orchestra 1 Drama 5 Military History 4 Art 2 3
Include your parents. Take your Course Selection Guide home. Help your parents understand what you have selected and why.
Print a copy When you have completed entering your requests into the computer, make a printed copy.
You and a parent must sign the printout. Turn this signed printout into your 7th period teacher.
Then in April….. We will mail home the list of the requests you selected. You and a parent check it over to see if it is correct or if you want to make changes. Return it signed to the guidance secretary (A 215).
Fine tuning…… The end of school in June is the deadline for making changes to your course selections. You are committed to these choices when you return to school next August.
In summary Choose your 11th grade required courses. Choose your 11th grade electives. PRIORITIZE your electives.
4. Enter your course info into the computer. 5. Have a parent sign it. 6. Return it to your 7th period teacher.
You have until school is out in June to make course changes if there is room in classes you want. Before you know it, June will be here!
The End Lakewood High School Guidance Center Productions