Veterinary Synthesis Based on Synthesis 8.1
Coordination: Dr. Marc Bär, Switzerland In collaboration with IAVH, Represented by Dr. Bernhard Hornig, Germany
What does the veterinary homeopath need ? More veterinary information Typical veterinary symptoms E.g. : urine spraying in the house Symptomss expressing veterinary anatomy E.g.: inflammation - laminae Clinical diagnosis rubrics for restricted diseases E.g.:milk fever, mud fever More objective symptoms E.g.: perspiration – estrus; during
What needs -2? How to translate behavior or symptoms of an animal into a rubric? Concepts of animal symptoms and behavior A concept per type of animal (cats, dogs, cattle, horses, etc.) and for animals in general Each concept is linked to possible Repertory symptoms: Hiding bones (dogs) Fear of poverty Flea collar allergy External throat – clothing agg.
Making an addition to the Veterinary Synthesis
Add info on animal and on clinical case
Program automatically adds codes to Synthesis
Precise information available
Specific veterinary symptoms
Symptoms interesting for vets
Symptoms with veterinary info
Concepts for different animals
Concepts dogs with repertory ss.
Concepts with a note
Some figures 3.300 vet author additions Information from Marc Bär’s clinical experience as well as additions (mostly made by J. Torre) from: F. Briones, C. Day, C. Ferro, M. Issautier, La Joya, G. MacLeod, J. Millemian, J. Peker, R. Pellico, H. Quiquandon, J. Torre
More figures 528 specific veterinary symptoms 680 other (human) symptoms with vet additions > 1.700 symptoms labeled as interesting (Marc Bär and José Torre, SP) 121 veterinary concepts linked to 273 repertory symptoms
Useful for all? The software will offer all information with or without veterinary symptoms (version 8.1 and 8.1V). The Veterinary Synthesis will be printed as a supplement to the Human Synthesis The printed Human Synthesis will not contain veterinary information, but what about … GENERALS - LYME DISEASE COUGH - DELIVERY - during CHEST - CONGESTION - Mammae … Maybe useful for all?
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